This just in from the Department of Nothing's Ever Good Enough...
Bush Criticizes Anti-Kerry Television Ad
WASHINGTON - Associated Press - President Bush on Monday criticized a commercial that accused John Kerry (news - web sites) of inflating his own Vietnam War record, more than a week after the ad stopped running, and said broadcast attacks by outside groups have no place in the race for the White House.
"I think they're bad for the system," added Bush, who had ignored calls to condemn the ad while it was on the air.
The President is wrong. What he said was wrong. What he should've said when asked about the 527 ads was, "You folks've heard of the First Amendment, right?" Not that he can actually come out as say that. No politician can. It's not politically correct to defend the Constitution. Maybe they should have to swear an oath or something.
"The moment of truth came and went, and the president still couldn't bring himself to do the right thing," Democratic vice presidential candidate John Edwards (news - web sites) said in a statement. "We need a president with the strength and integrity to say when something is wrong."
Oh, for crying out loud. See above mention of the First Amendment John #2. I've yet to see you, John #1, or any other Democrat for that matter say thing one about, Michael Moore, Dennis Kucinich, Ted Kennedy, George Soros, or the 63 million dollars spent by leftist 527s thus far.
And chiming in from the Planet of the Clueless™:
"Too little, too late," added party chairman Terry McAuliffe.
Sigh. What else can be said besides to point out that Mr. McAuliffe once again proves that he is as insightful as he is irrelevant?
"The fourth Purple Heart could have been an AK-47 through his heart," said Rich Baker, who served on a swift boat in Vietnam at the same time as Kerry. He was referring to weekend comments by former Republican Sen. Bob Dole of Kansas — grievously wounded in World War II — that Kerry had won three Purple Hearts "and never bled that I know of."
Err... yeah. Just out of curiousity how many soldiers, saliors, airmen, marines or even coasties have ever died due to getting an AK-47 rammed thru their hearts?
Senator Dole's got a valid point. John #1 received three Purple Hearts, (in four months) yet missed what, two days duty, tops? John #1 was wounded three times during a four month span, yet he was not killed nor permanently disabled (like Sen. Dole), not to mention narrowly avoiding the whole "assault weapon run thru his ticker" thing. He's easily the luckiest and unluckiest person in the history of the world.
Hmm... would explain being married to a billionaire whackjob of a wife wouldn't it?
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