Denial, Still Not a River in Egypt
Pro-Bush Booth Angers Many U.S. Muslims
Associated Press -- ROSEMONT, Ill. - At the largest annual convention of American Muslims, a pro-Bush booth has stirred anger among attendees who believe the president's actions since Sept. 11, 2001, have hurt more innocent Muslims than terrorists.




President Bush has done more to harm innocent Muslims? President Bush has? With all due respect...
Fuck you.
Islamofascists are the ones harming innocent Muslims, and everyone else that gets in their way, you collection of ungrateful, myopic, deluded, morons. If you would lift a fucking finger once in a while to clean up your own damn house (ie. by getting rid of the Islamofascists that are polluting your religion and killing anyone who doesn't subscribe to their perverted worldview) President Bush (or former President Clinton, or the stinking UN for that matter) wouldn't have to keep stepping in and bailing you "innocent Muslims" out.
Apologies for the language folks. This one really pissed me off.
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