"The superior man, when resting in safety, does not forget that danger may come. When in a state of security he does not forget the possibility of ruin. When all is orderly, he does not forget that disorder may come. Thus his person is not endangered, and his States and all their clans are preserved." -- Confucius

Monday, September 20, 2004

Urgent Message from the Nation of Youdonsay...

CBS Says Was Misled About Bush Documents

(AP) -- NEW YORK - CBS apologized Monday and said it was misled about the authenticity of documents used to support a "60 Minutes" story that questioned President Bush's Vietnam War-era National Guard service, after several experts denounced them as fakes.

But they don't say "Because we wanted to be misled". The cons that work best are the ones that tell you what you want to hear, and show you what you want to see.

CBS said Burkett acknowledged he provided the documents and said he deliberately misled a CBS producer, giving her a false account of their origin to protect a promise of confidentiality to a source.

Three words (or two if you count like Senator Kerry) Nail. His. Ass. This guy commited a federal offense, no doubt multiple federal offenses, in an attempt to sway the Presidential election during a time of war. Lock him up and throw away the key.

That doesn't, of course, leave Mr. Rather off the hook. It wasn't journalistic pride that was keeping him from seeing the glaringly obvious truth about those memos. It was naked partisanship. I don't know if being the willing participant in a fraud conducted to influence the Presidential election in a time of war is a capital offense, or if it's even a crime, but he should have to face some sort of music.

If someone walked into Mr. Rather's office, placed a pistol on his desk and upon leaving suggested that he took the honorable way out, I'm not sure that I'd get choked up about it if he took the advice.

I do find it ironic that, after all these years of going after others to the point that their careers and/or lives were ruined, the shoe is now on the other foot.