I wonder where he'll be working...
An interesting slip up, I guess you could call it, came to light during a recent interview of Gov. Palin by CNN's Drew Griffin. On the subject of Sen. Biden's recent "mark my words" comment to donors about his number one's... excuse me, The One's obvious weakness and lack of experience and judgment that the world's troublemakers will no doubt try to exploit and the resounding, or continuing, lack of tough coverage by the media was this exchange.NN: [LAUGHS] I mean, did Joe Biden get a pass?
Palin: Drew, you need to ask your colleagues and I guess your bosses or whoever is in charge of all this, why does Joe Biden get a pass on such a thing? Can you imagine if I would've said such a thing? No, I think that, you know, we would be hounded and held accountable for, what in the world did you mean by that, VP presidential candidate? Why would you say that, mark my words, this nation will undergo international crisis if you elect Barack Obama? If I would've said that you guys'd clobbered me.
CNN: You're right. [LAUGHTER] You're right.
Part of me thinks, damn, if this lady can get this kind of admission out of a member of the media this easily, she should be chatting with the terrorists we've been picking up over the years since Sept 11th. Of course, as rabidly as the leftist are when it comes to Gov. Palin, they'd no doubt equate this to something worse than waterboarding. Another part of me thinks that the media is so arrogant, has become so confident in its power, that it doesn't feel the need to hide their obvious bias any longer.
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