A mixture of political commentary, helpful gizmos, and anything else that strikes my fancy.
"The superior man, when resting in safety, does not forget that danger may come.
When in a state of security he does not forget the possibility of ruin. When all is
orderly, he does not forget that disorder may come. Thus his person is not
endangered, and his States and all their clans are preserved." -- Confucius
Sunday, October 26, 2008
The just in from the Department of the Appointed Hour...
Hey, it's about as close as SNL will ever get to poking fun of The One. Darned considerate of him to keep a few old white guys around for SNL to parody. In any case, a damned funny bit.
Up until, as it turned out, a few months before Dan Rather was publicly pantsed for trying to, once again, influence the outcome of a national election, I didn't even know that the heck a 'blog' was. Since then, I've been wandering around the blogosphere. I've been inspired by what I've come across (for the most part) and thought I'd give it a shot but what should blog about? I mean, it seems like most blogs tend to break down into two groups. The "I did this, I did that" model and the "So-n-so sucks" model. And who the heck needs another one of those?
One of my favorite blogs belongs to Kim du Toit. Sure, he has plently of the two-model-type stuff I mentioned but he breaks it up with other bits as well. Very informative bits. So, I got to wondering about the 'other bits' I'd post.
That's when the title hit me. "Crrrap" is the battlecry, so to speak, of a fictional character of mine named coincidently (or not) Ohms. A reluctant hero who doesn't look for the situations he finds himself in, but once in one, he's definately going to deal with it. More often than not, with the use of a gizmo of some sort.
I've come across my share of 'gizmos' in my brief time upon this big blue marble so I'll be breaking things up by passing them along to my readers... you know, once I get some.
Hopefully no one will ever have a need for these bits, but if you do, you'll be glad you stopped by.
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