This just in from the Ministry of Freedom
Schumer: Current Situation Requires One-Party Control
Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee Chairman Charles Schumer of New York today argued that in the current climate a politically divided government is a bad thing. He was seeking to counter a closing GOP argument that voters should not give Democrats control of the White House, the House and a potentially filibuster-proof majority in the Senate. “They can’t win on domestic policy; they can’t win on foreign policy; they can’t win on sort of trying to tag our candidates; so the latest theme is, ‘Oh, let’s have some balance in government. Let’s have divided government,’ ” Schumer said at a press briefing. “Our view is very simple, and that is Republican senators, Republican incumbents aren’t for checks and balances. They’re for blocking change and backing [President] Bush.”
Point the First, President Bush will no longer be President as of Jan 20th, 2009 Chuck, so that canard is weaker than usual. Point the Second, even when "Republicans ruled", they did so with the narrowest of margins and with a President that was not the hardcore Conservative his detractors would like to portray him as. Then again, what they wanted to portray him as wasn't even as a hardcore Conservative, but I digress. It was hardly the trifecta of a filibuster-proof Congress that can do anything it wants, an extremist President that you can't so much as question without being crushed, and a compliant media that won't hold either to any form of scrutiny that you and yours are licking your chops over. Point the Third, and probably the most important, up yours you fascist tool.

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