"The superior man, when resting in safety, does not forget that danger may come. When in a state of security he does not forget the possibility of ruin. When all is orderly, he does not forget that disorder may come. Thus his person is not endangered, and his States and all their clans are preserved." -- Confucius

Friday, September 17, 2004

The "Chill Wind" in West Virginia, an Update

(Hat Tip: Michelle Malkin)

Apparently the recent photograph of a Kerry supporter ripping up the poster of a three year old Bush supporter that's set the right side of the blogosphere on fire has caught on with the left side... kinda.

They smell a Rather... er... a CBS... er... a fraud. Alleging that the sign-ripper in question is one of Mr. Parlock's ten (ten!?) children and that the whole thing was a set up. Hmm... a setup? Possible. Of course, in such a small town I dare say somebody would be able to drop the dime outing the sign-ripper/alleged family member. I mean, families with ten kids aren't exactly a common thing anymore... even in West Virginia.

"But he's had these run-in's before!" they claim. Big friggin' deal. So what if the guy's gotten roughed up by DNC supporters before? How many "career protestors" that were arrested outside the RNC at MSG were arrested before? That doesn't offer one shread of proof that this was staged. It just means that he feels strongly about his positions and gets out there and exercises his First Amendment rights of free speech. If he's been roughed up before, it speaks more to Liberal intolerance and hypocracy than it does to anything about Parlock.

"He's putting his child in danger!" they claim. If it was a setup, and the sign-ripper was his son, there was no danger. If Democrats, Liberals et al actually practiced what they preach (respect for free speech, respect for differing viewpoints, peace, love etc.) there'd be no danger.

If it wasn't a setup, and he knew there was a possiblity that there'd be trouble, he pulled off one of the oldest tricks in the protestor's handbook: Trick your opposition into making themselves look bad. If that's the case, then hell yeah, he put his daughter at risk. That does not excuse the attack however. "She had it coming for dressing like that" has never been a good defense against a rape charge.

"It's an obvious PhotoShop job!" they claim. Oh my star n' garters. With all due respect, what the hell are you smoking? So, you're trying to tell me that the AP, its reporters, and its photogs are now members of the VRWC? When did this happen?

In the meantime, the General President (General President? WTF? Is this union HQ'd in some small third world nation?) of the IUPAT has issued an apology for the actions of the sign-ripper/alleged son/union member.