Meanwhile, on the Planet of the Delusional...
American Muslim Leaders Rally Community
ROSEMONT, Ill. (AP) -- American Muslim leaders ended their largest annual meeting with a rousing plea to thousands of community members that they vote in the presidential election.
"We have to demand justice," said Mahdi Bray, head of the Muslim American Society Freedom Foundation, as the convention wound down Sunday night. "We have to stand up to this government and say, `What you're doing is wrong.'"
No. What you have to do is stop pointing fingers at people who aren't the problem. You need to pressure your fellow Muslims around the world, not take it out on a President who finds himself in the position of having to deal with Islamofacsists.
Maybe you should take heed of Abdulrahman al-Rashed's words...
"Muslims worldwide are the main perpetrators of terrorism, a humiliating and painful truth that must be acknowledged...".
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