"The superior man, when resting in safety, does not forget that danger may come. When in a state of security he does not forget the possibility of ruin. When all is orderly, he does not forget that disorder may come. Thus his person is not endangered, and his States and all their clans are preserved." -- Confucius

Tuesday, October 05, 2004

This just in from the Department of Scare Tactics...

The Allegation: The Republicans are trying to reinstate the draft. If President Bush is reelected, he will reinstate the draft.

The Reality: The only congresscritters trying to reinstate the draft are Rep. Charles Rangel of New York and Rep. John Conyers of Michigan.

Both are Democrats.

The Democrats, not the Republicans, are trying to pass legislation to reinstate the draft.

Charlie Rangel and John Conyers, two partisan Democrats (read: demagogues), not the President are trying to reinstate the draft.

Nevermind the Dept of Defense doesn't want it.

Nevermind the Sec of Defense doesn't want it.

Nevermind the military doesn't want it.

Nevermind that it is not necessary.

Charlie Rangel and John Conyers's justification for reinstating the draft is that the make up of the military is somehow unfair towards the poor and minorities. This is, of course, utter bravo-sierra. Anyone who thinks a draft will bring in more affluent and/or whites is ignorant of history, in particular the history of the draft, in the extreme.

They have one goal in mind by trying to reinstate the draft... to poison the well of public support. Plain and simple.

Charlie Rangel, aside from being an annoying schmuck, is about as cleverly Machiavelian as a twenty pound sledge.