"The superior man, when resting in safety, does not forget that danger may come. When in a state of security he does not forget the possibility of ruin. When all is orderly, he does not forget that disorder may come. Thus his person is not endangered, and his States and all their clans are preserved." -- Confucius

Saturday, October 02, 2004

John Kerry is a horsefaced moron, and other observations...

Been busy since the debate, but better late than never. A few of the things that stuck out for me...

KERRY: Both. I want bilateral talks which put all of the issues, from the armistice of 1952, the economic issues, the human rights issues, the artillery disposal issues, the DMZ issues and the nuclear issues on the table.

Senator Kerry considers our multi-member alliance in Iraq unilateralism, and deems unilateralism wrong. America, he reminds us, "[is] strongest when we reach out and lead the world and build strong alliances." But insists we act unilaterally in dealing with North Korea.

You don't send troops to war without the body armor that they need.

I agree Senator. Perhaps you should have voted to fund the war you voted to authorize.

We didn't need that tax cut. America needed to be safe.

JFK, the man you're trying to pass yourself off as the second-coming of, knew what Reagan knew, what President Bush knows... when you cut taxes, you increase revenues to the gov't coffers. I really tire of this populist crap from Liberals.

Invading Iraq in response to 9/11 would be like Franklin Roosevelt invading Mexico in response to Pearl Harbor. That's what we have here.

Wow, talk about a falacy of logic. No Senator, what we have here is more along the lines of invading Germany in response to Pearl Harbor.

The United Nations, Kofi Annan offered help after Baghdad fell. And we never picked him up on that and did what was necessary to transfer authority and to transfer reconstruction.

And after the first time the UN got its nose bloodied, they bravely fled. Why anyone thinks relying on this corrupt, coward-laden, despot-infested, debating society is a good idea is beyond me. Stop looking at the UN and seeing what you want to see. Start seeing it for what it actually is.

Darfur has a genocide.

And your precious UN is doing exactly squat in stopping it.

I mean, we can remember when President Kennedy in the Cuban missile crisis sent his secretary of state to Paris to meet with DeGaulle. And in the middle of the discussion, to tell them about the missiles in Cuba, he said, Here, let me show you the photos. And DeGaulle waved them off and said, No, no, no, no. The word of the president of the United States is good enough for me.

Wow, invoking JFK and the French all in one statement. All you needed was to mention you'd been in Vietnam to complete the set. Perhaps DeGaulle wasn't making a fortune off of Castro the way Jacques Chirac was off of Hussein. The obstructionists weren't acting out of moral superiority or a problem with President Bush. They were acting out of greed.

And one of the biggest problems I had with Senator Kerry's position(s):
I also intend to double the number of special forces so that we can do the job we need to do with respect fighting the terrorists around the world.

How? Our SpecOps members are litterally the cream of the cream of the crop. They're motivated, driven volunteers. How do you intend on doubling their size? By removing the voluntary aspect, or by watering down the requirements so that more people can get into the SpecOps?

Either way, your "plan" will have disastrous consequences to the military, the SpecOps community and the country itself.

Not that you've ever allowed that to stand between you and your political goals before.