"The superior man, when resting in safety, does not forget that danger may come. When in a state of security he does not forget the possibility of ruin. When all is orderly, he does not forget that disorder may come. Thus his person is not endangered, and his States and all their clans are preserved." -- Confucius

Thursday, September 30, 2004

This just in from the Department of Shutup and Sing...

The political braintrust that is Barbra Streisand is once again gracing us with pearls of her wisdom.

If you cross this administration you get your head handed to you.

Yeah, that never happened before. Detractors of former President Clinton had a nasty habit of turning up dead. Not that I go in for all the conspiracy theories, mind you. And for those who managed to "somehow get out alive" had to deal with the IRS and lawsuits.

Skipping ahead...

And, if you choose to air a story about George Bush's military service, or lack thereof, like CBS did last week, you and your award winning news anchor, get investigated by the FCC.

That, Babs, is because someone forged military records in order to influence a Presidential election during a time of war. The "story" in and of itself, is a moronic straw for you leftist nitwits to be grasping at to begin with. But when someone starts fabricating evidence in order to further that grasping, things start getting serious.

So it's no wonder that the press has taken a backseat to reporting the misdeeds of this administration.

With all due respect, have you been painting without proper ventilation? Not only does the media harp on every misstep and perceived misdeed, CBS has spent five years investigating this non-story in order to take down President Bush. Yeah, they're totally in the tank.

It's not surprising that the press failed to ask the hard questions leading up to the war in Iraq, when a more informed public still had time to speak up.

Of course by "more informed public" she means people who didn't support the idea of taking Saddam (you know, the President of Iran) out. Fellow genuises like Tim Robbins and Sean Penn, no doubt.

Never mind that CBS's story included substantive and uncontested evidence that Bush didn't show up for duty when he was supposed to, that he skipped a required physical that grounded him from flying...

Nevermind that the "substantive and uncontested evidence" was utter bullshit.

...and that he mysteriously received an honorable discharge.

Lady, as someone who has actually been in a position to receive an honorable discharge I can tell you that the military doesn't mysteriously do anything.

And while I'm at it, why can't anyone wonder about Senator Kerry's deservedness of his medals without you collection of wingnuts coming unhinged, but questioning President Bush's deservedness of his honorable discharge is not only fair game but a requirement of a "more informed public"?

Yes...the documents CBS presented could not be confirmed for their authenticity...

Because they were obvious bullshit only capable of fooling those wishing to be fooled. Those like you and Dan Rather.

...but these details of Bush's military record have been out for public consumption for years.

So have the details about the dangers of eating Pop-Rocks while drinking a Pepsi. Doesn't make it true. And while we're on military records being available for public consumption... when do you figure Senator Kerry will be getting around to signing his form 180 so that the public can consume his military records?

Why is the media not discussing the facts behind the story instead of just focusing on CBS?

Becuase, as I've stated previously, the "story" is a waste of time and the "evidence" was obvious bullshit. Obvious bullshit that CBS either fell for or was complicit in the creation of. Anyone could have and should have seen that the memos were bullshit, but they didn't.

Why did CBS fall for them? Why did CBS go to air? What sort of agenda do the alledged "truth-tellers" in the mainstream media have and what lengths are to willing to go do to pull it off? What other "evidence" have the media used before? What other lies have they passed off on the American people as truth?

This is a big, messy, serious can of worm with huge potential repercussions. But you and yours are too busy focusing on a non-story from thirty years ago in the hopes of taking down a President during a war to see that.

Ben Barnes, former lieutenant governor of Texas, admitted that he pulled strings to get Bush into the National Air Guard.

Nevermind that the strings he pulled as Lt. Governor somehow occured a year before he became Lt. Governor. And while you're busy neverminding that, nevermind that Ben Barnes is a major Kerry backer.

And Robert Mintz, retired National Guardsman who served in Bush's unit in 1972, doesn't remember seeing him there.

I'm betting there are thousands of guys and gals that I didn't see serving at Ft. Bragg between the years of 1988 and 1990 and there are thousands of guys and gals that didn't see me. Your point, Babs?

And in contrast to Senator John Kerry, who said "send me" when given the option to go to Vietnam, according to the LA Times, when asked the same question, Bush checked the box stating "do not volunteer for overseas."

The LA Times? Oh yeah, no agenda there. Retired Colonel Ed Morrisey, the officer that swore then Lt. Bush into the TANG has a different story.

"The Air Force, in their ultimate wisdom, assembled a group of 102's and took them to Southeast Asia. Bush volunteered to go. But he needed to have 500 [flight] hours, but he only had just over 300 hours so he wasn't eligible to go,” Morrisey recalls.

Hmmm... moving on. But first, an aside. Babs, did you support former President Clinton in his two successful runs at the White House? How important was service during the Vietnam war era then?

The media's attention is diverted from the real story because we now live in a time where the fear of revenge by this administration sends a chill through the corporations that control our media and overwhelms the press' responsibility to investigate, educate and hold our leaders accountable.

A chill wind! A chill wind! Help! I'm being oppressed!
