My new favorite "talking head"...
So I'm watching Fox & Friends this morning and caught today's "Pundit Pit". Gretchen Carlson is doing the introductions of the four women making up today's Pit and I about did a spit take with my morning Mt. Dew when she introduced S.E. Cupp. Now, it may have been a bit of the morning fuzzies or Gretchen's Minnesota accent or something, but I swear she was calling the woman "C Cup". And my eeeevil y-chrome mind couldn't help say "that'd be my guess". Yes, yes. I know. Hi, my name is Ohms and I'll be your pig this evening. Whatever. Anyhoo... I came across her blog, really nice stuff. Gotta add "Why You're Wrong About the Right" to the increasing queue. Darn you Ayn Rand! Why'd you have to make "Atlas Shrugged" so bloody long.
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