"The superior man, when resting in safety, does not forget that danger may come. When in a state of security he does not forget the possibility of ruin. When all is orderly, he does not forget that disorder may come. Thus his person is not endangered, and his States and all their clans are preserved." -- Confucius

Wednesday, August 25, 2004

This just in from the Kick-to-Dubya's-Leg Department

Kerry Wins Backing from Nobel Economics Laureates

PHILADELPHIA (Reuters) - John Kerry won the endorsement of 10 Nobel Prize-winning economists on Wednesday as he attacked President Bush for policies that he said have led to the creation of only low-paying jobs.

The Democratic presidential nominee released a letter from the economists saying the Bush administration had "embarked on a reckless and extreme course that endangers the long-term economic health of our nation."

They cited "poorly designed" tax cuts that instead of creating jobs have turned budget surpluses into enormous budget deficits, a "fiscal irresponsibility threatens the long-term economic security and prosperity of our nation."

Of course, by "poorly designed" they mean that the folks who paid the taxes getting their own money back via tax-cuts. Thus mucking up the whole redistribution of wealth thing.

Let's talk surplus shall we? Why in the hell is the government having a budget surplus a good thing? That means they took more money away from us than was needed to meet fiscal requirements. That's not a friggin' good thing you dopes!

As for deficits... first off, the federal deficit is not as bad a thing as it's played at. Secondly, the main reason we had a surplus during the Golden Age 90s was that Reagan and Bush 41 ended the Cold War. That and Clinton saddling us with the biggest tax increase in history. Now, aside from the war on terror, the President and Congress have been spending like drunken sailors. Mostly, in the President's case, in the vain attempt to get rabid leftist to like him.

Note to President Bush: They are never going to like you. Stop giving them what they want.

Thank you.

The endorsement, in the form of an open letter American voters, was signed by George Akerlof and Daniel McFadden of the University of California at Berkeley...

Whoa, whoa, whoa! Stop the presses... Berkeley? Berkeley!? Are we supposed to think that economic Nobel Laureates from Berkeley aren't going to back a guy that's voted to raise your taxes 98 times?

And while we're at it... here's a little info on Berkeley, the Nobel Prize board and Professor Akerlof. Unless you're new to the planet, you know that UofC at Berkeley in the (not 'a' but 'the') premiere center for leftist thought.

The Nobel Prize board... well aside from giving Jimmy Carter the Nobel Peace Prize as a "kick to the leg" (so sayeth Gunnar Berge, the committee's head) of President Bush, at the time of Prof. Akerlof's award, this illustrious board had given Prizes to 18 Berkeley professors. Akerlof being the fourth economics professor, and the third in seven years so awarded.

And what did he get his Nobel Prize in you ask? The study of...

wait for it...

wait for it...

"lemons" in the used car market.

Hmm... there's a guy who knows "lemons" and he's picking John Kerry.

This is news?