This just in from the Department of Irony

Drudge Report -- Was Dem presidential hopeful John Kerry seen this weekend waving a gun which would have been banned if legislation he co-sponsored became law?
Yup. Then again, for Senator Kerry, and those like him, gun control has always had a firm "guns for me, not for thee" policy. And while you're wondering if he filled out the proper paperwork hoops he, and those like him, have foisted upon the law-abiding citizens of this country to have to jump through ponder upon this...
"I thank you for the gift, but I can't take it to the debate with me," Kerry told a cheering crowd as he held up the device.
Err... whatcha mean by that, Doc? Seems like Senator Kerry is suggesting he'd like to take a shotgun (an eeevil assault weapon-y shotgun no less) to a debate with President Bush? Why? He couldn't be joking about assassinating the President could he?
(Anyone else remember Michael Ramirez getting the once over by the Secret Service for this cartoon? And it wasn't even an anti-Bush 'toon either.)
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