This just in from the Department of Desperate Flailings...
Power Line is all over the story about the authenticity of the memos CBS is waving around in their (increasingly desperate) attempt to get Senator Kerry into the Oval Office.
First thing I noticed on the "CYA" memo was the date at the top of the memo:
18 August 1973
When I was in the Army (1987-90) we used a Day Month Year format too, but while it may have changed in the years between 1973 and 1987, I doubt it. When I was in, that date would have read:
Furthermore, I doubt strongly the whole 1973 thing. Nobody bothered with the 19 in the year until we hit the year 2000.
This, and other examples currently burning up the blogosphere, stink like week old fish. I hope it blows up in the face of CBS, the Kerry campaign, and whatever other leftists it can hit.
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