"The superior man, when resting in safety, does not forget that danger may come. When in a state of security he does not forget the possibility of ruin. When all is orderly, he does not forget that disorder may come. Thus his person is not endangered, and his States and all their clans are preserved." -- Confucius

Friday, August 27, 2004

Over and Out

(Tip of the hat to GeekWithA.45)

"Ever Get the Feeling You've Been Cheated?"
-last words Johnny Rotten spit
onstage at the Sex Pistols
last gig in 1978.

So sayeth CBFTW, otherwise known as the blogger of My War (previously known as My War - Fear and Loathing in Iraq) one of the in-theatre milblogs that have popped up along the blogosphere.

I regret that I learned of this blog close to the end. But, I was fortunate enough to find out about it pre-talking-to-by-the-brass. Now everything's gone, archives and all. All, save for the blog itself and the quote by Johnny Rotten.

One of the reasons I'd gotten out of the Army was that I found it offensive that we were not allowed to enjoy the freedoms that we were willing to lay our lives on the line to defend. Of course, CB and those like him have an obligation to not divulge sensitive info that could put he and his buddies at risk. But I don't think his classic "We went somewhere, and did something" exactly gives anything away.

This was a blog of an enlistedman. As a former enlistedman, I so related to CB. Although for me, I was fortunate enough to not have been in a similar situation. For me, the Cold War was mostly just that... "cold". It was from following the Blogger link on his website that lauched my own blog.

A Note to CB: Keep writing this stuff down. Your, Battalion Commander was right, you could get this stuff published.

A Note to the Brass (and the Press): I remember an old quote that may or may not have been uttered by anyone. I heard it was attributed to Omar Bradley, but I'm probably wrong. In any case, it is sage advice for the brass and the press and the rest of the folks back in the world...

"Worry when your troops stop bitching."

Update: For the time being, Google has it archived here.