Pardon me, but would you have any...
I'm not sure if it's a vet thing or not, but I love ketchup. I put ketchup on my ketchup. Most foods are simply a means of conveying ketchup. But during the last year or so I've found myself in something of a quandry. My favorite brand of ketchup is Heinz. And since I find Terr-A-sah Heinz Kerry a raging whackjob of the first order, you can imagine my plight.
Luckily for me and my fellow devotees of the Red Sauce of Life™ there's now another choice: W - America's Ketchup
Not only is every part of W, from the tomatoes to the bottles to the labels, made in America but part of the proceeds go to the Freedom Alliance Scholarship Fund.
For those who aren't familar with this organizaion, the Freedom Alliance is an outfit created back in 1990 by LtC Olive North (yes, that one). It's a 501(c)3 organization that provides the children of our armed forces who were either killed, permanently disabled, or listed as a POW or MIA.
I ordered up a case of W today. I'll be posting the results of my connoisseur's judgement when it arrives. I already feel better about giving my money to an outfit that helps the kids of our fallen service men and women than giving it to an outfit that pumps it into a series of left-wing causes. That's for damn sure. And, no, I'm not just talking about her consort's political ambitions.
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