"The superior man, when resting in safety, does not forget that danger may come. When in a state of security he does not forget the possibility of ruin. When all is orderly, he does not forget that disorder may come. Thus his person is not endangered, and his States and all their clans are preserved." -- Confucius

Saturday, August 28, 2004

This just in from the Department of Open Secrets...

DNC: The Party of the 'Little Guy' (and other myths)

If you haven't been over to the Open Secrets website, you seriously need to visit it. In doing a bit of research for a recent post dealing with 527s I came across this list. Top Individual Contributors to 527 Committees - 2004 Election Cycle.

Even I, a guy who knows all this 'Democrats are the little guys fighting against the rich fatcat Republicans' stuff is a load of bovine nightsoil, was taken aback.

Out of the top ten donors on the list (consituting a total of $44,958,273 in 2004 contributions) nine were donors to left-wing causes. Number ten (constituting $1,020,000) was a right-wing donor.

Then it went from the rediculous to the sublime as I continued checking the list. 25 donors were listed in total.

Total contributions by Left/Right Breakdown:

  • Left-Wing: $55,908,283 (from 24 of 25 donors)

  • Right-Wing: $1,020,000 (from 1 of 25 donors)

54.8 million is a helluva "wealth disparity", don'tcha think? Yet the leftists and their water-carriers in the media have their collective knickers in a twist because the Swiftees got a grandtotal of $158,750. I'm honestly at a loss as to whether they're ill-informed, deluded, hypocrites, liars or all of the above.

Ya know, if these people were to spend their money on helping people (cure diseases, come up with alternate fuel systems etc.) instead of trying to take over the government... whoops, forgot that they're socialists.

"Ask not what you can do for yourself. Demand what your government must do for you."

Sigh, JFK would be so proud[/sarcasm]