"The superior man, when resting in safety, does not forget that danger may come. When in a state of security he does not forget the possibility of ruin. When all is orderly, he does not forget that disorder may come. Thus his person is not endangered, and his States and all their clans are preserved." -- Confucius

Saturday, August 28, 2004

This just in from the Swift Department...

For a Top 'Swiftie,' This One's Personal

LA Times -- HOUSTON — Thirty-three years ago, fresh from combat in Vietnam, John O'Neill parted his hair neatly, put on his only suit, stared into a television camera and made it clear how much he detested John Kerry. Not Democrats. Not liberals. John Kerry.

Taking down a modernday Bennedict Arnold, a self-professed war criminal, whose testimony gave aid and comfort to the enemy. Sounds like an admirable mission.

He portrayed himself as a political independent — a Reagan Democrat, he said, if he had to have a label. Although he typically supports GOP candidates, he says, he voted for Democrat Al Gore in 2000. And although the "Swifties" have agreed to focus on Kerry and not to discuss President Bush, O'Neill made it clear he is no great fan of the president, whom he has described to several friends as an "empty suit."

Hmm... seems odd. What with him being a right-wing Bushite zealot and all.

But his record is more complex than those of some of the others backing the Swift boat campaign. In this year's election, O'Neill said, his choice among all the candidates, regardless of party, would have been Sen. John Edwards (D-N.C.), who is now Kerry's running mate.

Interesting, I wonder why this right-wing zealot would choose John #2 of all people.

Although O'Neill's firm has close to ties to the oil and gas industries, he has worked largely as a plaintiff's lawyer — taking cases on behalf of people allegedly wronged by big companies.

Ah... okay, now it makes sense.

He once represented a group of elderly and disabled hot dog vendors — in a company called Hot Diggity Dog — who said they had been wrongfully shut down by superstores. In 2001, he won a $429-million judgment on behalf of investors who fell victim to an elaborate securities fraud.

Why haven't we heard any of this before? Oh wait, it would ruin the myth wouldn't it? Can't let anything damage the Kerry Mythos, not until the election's over anyway.

"I've lived a happy life, sure, but at least 15 of my friends died there," O'Neill said. "What I'm dealing with is a set of values that are above and beyond politics. And if following the truth — coming forward — elects Bush, we can accept that."

Seems to me, beyond all the propping up and tearing down Mr. O'Neill's "enjoyed" the last few months, he's just an honorable guy who has a supreme hate-on for someone who can, at best, be described as a dishonorable guy. At least, that's the way he sees it. John Kerry could be the candidate of the DNC, the GOP, the Green party. It wouldn't matter. John O'Neill and the Swiftvets would still be coming out against them.

And just think, if John Kerry was the GOP candidate, the Swiftees would have millions (Media Fund, ACT, MoveOn.org to name but three leftist 527s) instead of just a couple hundred grand to fund their crusade.

Heck, just between George Soros and Peter Lewis they'd have access to a part of the 26.8 million bucks they've shelled out to left-wing causes in 2004 alone.