"The superior man, when resting in safety, does not forget that danger may come. When in a state of security he does not forget the possibility of ruin. When all is orderly, he does not forget that disorder may come. Thus his person is not endangered, and his States and all their clans are preserved." -- Confucius

Saturday, August 21, 2004

Continuing the relentless drumbeat...

Kerry Urges Bush to Demand Attacks Stop

Associated Press -- "Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry (news - web sites) on Saturday night urged President Bush (news - web sites) to "stand up and stop" what he called personal attacks on him over his combat record in Vietnam."

"This is a moment of truth for George W. Bush," Edwards said at a Democratic rally. "We're going to see what kind of man he is and what kind of leader he is. ... We want to hear three words: Stop these ads."

Oh shut the hell up you two crybabies. This is an election, that lovely biannual (or quadrennial as the case may be) time when all sorts of mud gets slung. If you can't take it, quit.

Now that that's out of the way let's move on to a couple problems I have with this whole mess. Firstly, since friggin' when is the right to free speech a leftist-only bit of freedom? I didn't see the Two-Johns getting their collective knickers in a twist over Move-On.org's nigh-constant stream of personal and misleading attacks against the President. Not only did I not see them distancing themselves from that utter load of propagandic crap shoveled out by Michael Moore. Hell, they did the exact opposite... embracing the documentarian hack, giving him a place of honor next to former President Carter at their convention. Do I even need to bring up the "heart and soul of America" that was on display in NYC recently?

Frankly, I'd love to not see all these stupid ads, but I for one feel the government has absolutely no business getting itself involved in regulating free speech. Especially political speech. But if the Two-Johns and their water-carriers in the "mainstream press" (a group of people intent on debunking the Switees yet do nothing to expose the lies hurled at the President) want to insist that President Bush decry these ads (which he's already done) they need to clean up their own damn backyard first.

Oh yeah, and while they're bitching about the 100k some Texan donated to the Swiftees, they should tell George Soros to keep his millions to himself.

If you're going to have a problem with the ads, have a problem with the ones from your side as well. Something President Bush has stated, numerous times. He has a problem with all of the ads and wants them all to stop. I, of course, have a problem with that. Folks should be able to have as many ads as they want. But at least he isn't a flaming hypocrite. Can't say the same thing about the Two-Johns.

Enough Already

Sadr's Men Hold Iraq Shrine in Defiance of Govt

"NAJAF, Iraq (Reuters) - Fighters loyal to rebel cleric Iranian puppet Moqtada al-Sadr were firmly in control of Najaf's Imam Ali mosque on Saturday, defying efforts by Iraq (news - web sites)'s U.S.-backed government to end a radical Shi'ite rebellion."

Why exactly is this oxygen bandit still running around? Didn't we already see this play from Saddam Hussein? "I'll comply, honest." followed by a "Uh, nah, nevermind." to be followed by an "I'll comply, honest." Just take this fat bastard out already.

Meanwhile, on the planet of the delusional.

"Bring those Americans here to fight hand to hand," said one militant, biting his finger for emphasis. "They are cowards. They stay thousands of feet away in their airplanes. They are scared, they know we will slaughter them."

This from one of the Brave Insurgents™ that hole up in holy shrines knowing full well that America's touchy-feely policy is the only thing that's keeping them alive while they take potshots at our troops? Please. This fool would have about as much chance as a buffet coming up against Oprah after pulling jury duty.

Kill his ass last.

Meanwhile in Hilla

"One Polish soldier was killed and six wounded on Saturday when a booby-trapped car exploded next to their convoy near the town of Hilla, an army spokesman said.

The soldier's death brings the number of Polish fatalities in Iraq to 14 since Poland took charge of the 8,000-strong multinational force in south-central Iraq last September."

First off, my heart goes out to the family of the Polish soldier and I wish his comrades a speedy recovery. Secondly, is booby-trapping cars an act of bravery occording to the above mentioned finger-biting asshat? Thirdly, how is this even possible? Aren't we there alone? Without allies? Unilaterally? That's all I hear the detracters bleating about. So surely this must have been Polish-Americans and not actualy Poles that were attacked, right?

Friday, August 20, 2004

This is a mistake.... how?

Ted Kennedy Lands on "No Fly" List

"Kennedy -- one of the most recognisable figures in American politics -- told a Senate committee hearing on Thursday he had been blocked several times from boarding commercial airline flights because his name was on a "no-fly" list intended to exclude potential terrorists." -- Reuters 20Aug04

Let's see, this list was created to prevent those who would do harm to America and her citizens from doing so. Ted Kennedy's name appears on the above mentioned list.

I'm sorry. Why is this a problem?

(Hopefully the TSA and DMV are exchanging information.)