(Hat tip: Powerline)
It's sad that a Senator with twenty years of experience does not appreciate Polish sacrifice...I don't think it's a question of ignorance. One thing has to be said very clearly: this Coalition is not just the United States, Great Britain and Australia, but there's also contribution of Polish, Ukrainian, Bulgarian and Spanish soldiers who died in Iraq. It's immoral to not see this involvement we undertook because we believe that we have to fight terrorism together, that we need to show international solidarity, that Saddam Hussein is a danger to the world.
From such a perspective, you can say we are disappointed that our stance and the sacrifice of our soldiers is so marginalised. I blame it on electioneering -- and a message, indirectly expressed by Senator Kerry - that he thinks more of a coalition that would put the United States together with France and Germany, that is those who in the matter of Iraq said "no."
President Bush is behaving like a true Texan gentleman -- he's fighting for the recognition of other countries' contribution in the Coalition.
Tell me again how Senator Kerry will endear himself to allies. How he'll build his "grand coalitions".
He craps on Prime Minister Allawi, a man who faces the very real threat of assassination every day. Unlike Senator Kerry.
He craps on the Poles.
He craps on the Spaniards.
He craps on the Italians.
He craps on the Ukrainians.
He craps on the Bulgarians.
He craps on the Slovaks.
He craps on the Thais.
He craps on the Dutch.
He craps on the Estonians.
He craps on the Salvadorans.
He craps on the Latvians.
He craps on the Hungarians.
They've all have lost soldiers in Iraq.
All President Bush did was kill the goose that laid golden eggs for France, Germany, China and Russia. I do
not recall him ever saying anything remotely as insulting as Senator Kerry continues to do, yet he's somehow angering the world and Senator Kerry does nothing but makes friends everywhere he goes?