"The superior man, when resting in safety, does not forget that danger may come. When in a state of security he does not forget the possibility of ruin. When all is orderly, he does not forget that disorder may come. Thus his person is not endangered, and his States and all their clans are preserved." -- Confucius

Friday, October 08, 2004

This just in from the Department of Education...

Misspelled Library Art Do-Over a No Go

(AP) -- The artist who misspelled the names of famous people in world history on a large ceramic mosaic outside Livermore's new library can spell one word with ease: N-O. That's Maria Alquilar's new position on fixing the typos.

And where exactly is this library? You guessed it, the People's Republic of California.

Tuesday, October 05, 2004

A Wee Bit of Live Blogging from the VP Debate...

Thank you Dick Cheney! Thank you for pointing out that since the Iraqi are fighting and dying to rebuild their country the US has not suffered 90% of the casulties... the Iraqis, having suffered 50% of the casulties. Not that that's a good thing mind you. But it sure plays hell with the Two-Johns's math.

Not that these guys let little things like the facts get in their way.

And the cost is not $200 billion, you'd know that but you probably weren't there to vote on it.


The Veep is definately the cat you don't want ticked off at you. He's got that Michael Meyers walk-slowly-but-still-catch-you-and-kill-you thing going.

Hmmm... what's that old saying? Oh yeah...

"Speak softly and if you piss me off I'll shove a friggin' hand-grenade up your ass and make you pull the pin yourself, you little punk."

...or words to that effect.

This just in from the Department of Scare Tactics...

The Allegation: The Republicans are trying to reinstate the draft. If President Bush is reelected, he will reinstate the draft.

The Reality: The only congresscritters trying to reinstate the draft are Rep. Charles Rangel of New York and Rep. John Conyers of Michigan.

Both are Democrats.

The Democrats, not the Republicans, are trying to pass legislation to reinstate the draft.

Charlie Rangel and John Conyers, two partisan Democrats (read: demagogues), not the President are trying to reinstate the draft.

Nevermind the Dept of Defense doesn't want it.

Nevermind the Sec of Defense doesn't want it.

Nevermind the military doesn't want it.

Nevermind that it is not necessary.

Charlie Rangel and John Conyers's justification for reinstating the draft is that the make up of the military is somehow unfair towards the poor and minorities. This is, of course, utter bravo-sierra. Anyone who thinks a draft will bring in more affluent and/or whites is ignorant of history, in particular the history of the draft, in the extreme.

They have one goal in mind by trying to reinstate the draft... to poison the well of public support. Plain and simple.

Charlie Rangel, aside from being an annoying schmuck, is about as cleverly Machiavelian as a twenty pound sledge.

And Bill Maher just keeps on living...

Comic Rodney Dangerfield Dies at Age 82

Just doesn't seem fair.

Monday, October 04, 2004

This just in from the Remission Department...

The Cards won Sunday. Winning, what appeared to be, quite handily over the New Orleans Saints. (Almost makes up for those Voodoo bastidges beating the Soul in their inaugural home game... not.)

It appears last season was a breather for Emmitt "I am not too old, thankyouverymuch" Smith. Sunday he not only broke yet another record (77th 100yrd game) but he threw the first pass of his 15 year long career... for a touchdown no less.

After losing a baseball game (6-3) to the undefeated Falcons last week (read: holding the Michael Vick-fueled Falcons offense to only two field goals), this week's win over the 2-1 Saints almost has me excited about this season of the outdoor game. Let's see how they fair against the 0-4 49ers next week.

Oct 4th, an Eventful Day for Space Exploration...

October 4th, 1957 - The USSR launches Sputnik I into orbit, raising the bar in the "space race".

October 4th, 2004 - Pioneer with the Mercury program, Gordon Cooper dies at age 77.

Also on Oct. 4th, 2004 the team of SpaceShipOne wins the X Prize by launching a privately funded, privately built manned craft into space. To win the prize, the craft had to break Earth's atmosphere and then do it again in a two week timeframe.

The team of SpaceShipOne pulled off both flights in less than a week.

Hooray the team of SpaceShipOne! Even though the name is frighteningly... well... dull.

Hooray America! Land of the free, home of the brave, and birthplace of innovation.

And hooray capitalism! Gotta love NASA, but no governmental agency can hold a candle to the creative might and speed of free market insentives.

Sunday, October 03, 2004

John Kerry UberDiplomat... and other myths

(Hat tip: Powerline)

It's sad that a Senator with twenty years of experience does not appreciate Polish sacrifice...I don't think it's a question of ignorance. One thing has to be said very clearly: this Coalition is not just the United States, Great Britain and Australia, but there's also contribution of Polish, Ukrainian, Bulgarian and Spanish soldiers who died in Iraq. It's immoral to not see this involvement we undertook because we believe that we have to fight terrorism together, that we need to show international solidarity, that Saddam Hussein is a danger to the world.

From such a perspective, you can say we are disappointed that our stance and the sacrifice of our soldiers is so marginalised. I blame it on electioneering -- and a message, indirectly expressed by Senator Kerry - that he thinks more of a coalition that would put the United States together with France and Germany, that is those who in the matter of Iraq said "no."

President Bush is behaving like a true Texan gentleman -- he's fighting for the recognition of other countries' contribution in the Coalition.

Tell me again how Senator Kerry will endear himself to allies. How he'll build his "grand coalitions".

He craps on Prime Minister Allawi, a man who faces the very real threat of assassination every day. Unlike Senator Kerry.

He craps on the Poles.

He craps on the Spaniards.

He craps on the Italians.

He craps on the Ukrainians.

He craps on the Bulgarians.

He craps on the Slovaks.

He craps on the Thais.

He craps on the Dutch.

He craps on the Estonians.

He craps on the Salvadorans.

He craps on the Latvians.

He craps on the Hungarians.

They've all have lost soldiers in Iraq.

All President Bush did was kill the goose that laid golden eggs for France, Germany, China and Russia. I do not recall him ever saying anything remotely as insulting as Senator Kerry continues to do, yet he's somehow angering the world and Senator Kerry does nothing but makes friends everywhere he goes?


"I've had only had one position on Iraq" and other BS

(Hat tip: Anti-Idiotarian)

The ultimate John Kerry clarification ad.

Blowing the Lid off the Comeback...

Fred over at Don't Tread on Me has a great shreading of Senator Kerry's "comeback".