"The superior man, when resting in safety, does not forget that danger may come. When in a state of security he does not forget the possibility of ruin. When all is orderly, he does not forget that disorder may come. Thus his person is not endangered, and his States and all their clans are preserved." -- Confucius

Saturday, October 25, 2008

This just in from the Department of Enviromental... uhm... Protection...

The bottom line on CFLs and mercury

No need to panic if a bulb breaks. Just follow these strategies from the Environmental Protection Agency...

*screeching brake sound* Come again now? If my incandescent lightbulbs break, I need neither panic nor a list of strategies to deal with the ensuing mess. I can't help but laugh every time I read about these dumbass CFLs and the dumbasses that have foisted them upon us to help "save the Earth". It pretty much encapsulates environmental measures, especially ones the government is involved in, perfectly. There's a problem... supposedly... and to deal with this problem, we're going to implement plans that, more often than not, create a whole new host of problems.

I'm all for new technology and reducing my consumption. I've been doing things like turning off the lights of rooms I'm not in and keeping the temperate at a moderate level. I can't wait for LED bulbs and would love to have reliable, and affordable, alternative energy generation for my house. But I don't appreciate wingnuts and government types mandating half-thought-out ideas that, in the end, just make a dog's breakfast out of everything. Now we have to use bulbs that require a HAZMAT team to deal with should they break and while I'm sure there are folks who are putting these puppies in the recycling, I have not doubt most CFLs are going straight into the trash where they can merrily leach their mercury into the Earth. Brilliant!

This just in from the Department of Fictional Criminology...

One of the very few tv shows I make any sort of effort to catch has, over the years, been NCIS. I like the story lines and the characters. One of my faves being Abby Sciutto, played by Paulie Perrette. What I didn't know, and helps add to her Abby character in my opinion, is that Ms. Perrette used to front an all-girl rock band called Lo-Ball. Yes, that's her singing the song in the above posted video. Pretty kickass tune, and the person who made the video really did a great job. Really like the 'dun-dun' video jumps.

Joe the Fever

Joe Fever is Spreadinig

Apparently, so are typos. I'm thinking they meant "Joe Fever is Spreading".

All because of Joe Wurzelbacher, an Ohio man whose conversation about taxes with Democratic nominee Barack Obama triggered a wave of protest by Republicans. They seized on Obama's explanation of how his tax plan would help share prosperity to brand Obama as someone who wanted to spread the wealth and practice socialism.

Holy spin doctoring, Batman! Republicans are branding Sen. Obama as someone who wanted to spread the wealth around? Gee, how ever did they get that idea? Oh, that's right, from Sen. Obama's own mouth:

"I think when you spread the wealth around, it's good for everybody."

Oh, those evil Republicans. How dare they make The One's "spread the wealth around" sound like he's saying he wants to spread the wealth around. Have they no shame?!?

Where's Tim Robbins and his "Chill Wind"?

Washington Times - Joe 'scared for America' after talking to Obama

He should be...

The Columbus Dispatch - Government computers used to find information on Joe the Plumber

I wonder where the usual outraged suspects are. You'd think they'd be concerned when a private citizen asks a question of someone wishing to become an elected official, let alone the top elected official, and as a result, government resources are turned on that citizen.

Brought to you by the letter C... for Chickensh*t

Oh the irony. Bill Ayers, to no one's surprise, is a gutless coward. He's full of smug bravado when he's in the insulated world of academia or with friendly interviewers, but when confronted by a reporter who is less than sycophantic to Marxist point of view, what does it resort to? Invoking property rights and then calls the police to escort him back to his car. A self-avowed communist is trying to use his right of private property, a right he would not have in a "more humane" (read: communist) country, a country he and his tried are trying to bring about, to shield him from a reporter. That's funny enough, but then this unrepentant terrorist, who targeted the police back during his bomb-planting days, goes on to call the cops to protect his sorry ass from a guy with a microphone.

Truly pathetic.

Brought to you by the letter B... for Bullcrap.

Police: McCain volunteer made up robbery story

PITTSBURGH (AP) - A McCain campaign volunteer made up a story of being robbed, pinned to the ground and having the letter "B" scratched on her face in a politically inspired attack, police said Friday.

As many of us figured, this "incident" didn't take place. I hope they nail this chick. These sorts of things help no one and ultimately harm those with legitimate claims.

Friday, October 24, 2008

VP candidate kept from media and no crowd questions. Not Palin. It's Biden!

Is it possible we've been living in a bubble for the last several weeks, not noticing a complete role reversal between the Democratic vice presidential candidate, Sen. Joe Biden, and his Republican counterpart, Gov. Sarah Palin of Alaska?

You mean the media employs a double standard when reporting on people or candidates based on the "R" or the "D" after their name?!? No fecal matter, fictional Victorian-era private detective. No doubt it's racist to point this out.

If you've got the need...

Go ahead and flaunt it.

This just in from the Department of Helpful Reminders...

Thanks Joe.

This just in from the Department of Double Standards...

What if 'SNL' mocked Michelle Obama?

MSNBC's token conservative, Pat Buchanan, wonders what would happen if SNL, who has been enjoying its highest ratings in over a decade parodying Gov. Palin, tried to mock Michelle Obama. Well that's easy, the howls of outrage would be deafening until shortly after Lorne Michaels committed ritual suicide in Times Square. SNL, no doubt, learned its lesson from the recent flap over the skit putting the blame on the housing collapse on people responsible, including Rep. Frank, George Soros (Owner, Democratic Party), and bigtime Obama supporters. No questioning, nor parodying, of The One and those he associates with is permitted. Those who violate this Commandment shall be punished swiftly and without mercy.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

This just in from the Department of the Truly Twisted...

Team Obama is encouraging kids to use their grandparent's love as a "weapon" to get them to vote for Sen. Obama.

Uhm... yeah....

That's just f*cked right the hell up.

This just in from the Department of Rhetorical Flourishes...

The O-Team

Great stuff!

Dear Mr. Obama...

This can't be point out enough...

Which means the "mainstream" media won't even bring it up and if Prairie Fire, the Communist manifesto of the Weather Underground, is brought up will do its level best to downplay it.

Bill Ayers being an "unrepentant terrorist" is a red herring and a misrepresentation of his positions and the importance of his connections, and there are many, to Sen. Obama. The fact that Ayers is still working towards these goals, only now he is using our education system as an indoctrination facility instead of setting bombs, and that Sen. Obama has helped funnel hundreds of thousands of dollars into Ayers's education "experiments" is the important part. What this guy did when Obama was eight isn't as important as what he did, what he continues to do, after becoming an associate of Sen. Obama.

Phillies Take Game One

Phillies top Rays 3-2 to take World Series lead

ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. – Cole Hamels, Chase Utley and the Philadelphia Phillies have the upper hand in the World Series. Hamels worked seven innings and Utley homered as the Phillies knocked off the Tampa Bay Rays 3-2 in Game 1 at St. Petersburg.

Go Phillies!*

*And no, I'm not jumping on the bandwagon. I have other motives.

But it's McCain's supporters who are the violent nutjobs...

Woman Attacked At ATM, Assailant Carves Letter Into Her Face

Richard said the robber took $60 from the woman, then became angry when he saw a McCain bumper sticker on the victim's car. The attacker then punched and kicked the victim, before using the knife to scratch the letter "B" into her face, Richard said.

I guess he couldn't wait any longer for The One to steal redistribute Ms. Richard's money for him.

UPDATE: I smell something fishy here. And here's how I got there:

First off, unless this picture from HotAir is backwards, the "B" on her cheek is backwards. As it would be if you did it yourself in the mirror. Secondly, if, as was claimed in the article, that the "B" was put there by an enraged attacker using a knife, it would be a series of cuts, not scratches, and wouldn't be rounded like that. Plus, if the attacker was enraged, it would have been a hell of a lot deeper. If it happened as alleged, that's troubling. No doubt. If my suspicions are right, that too, is troubling. Hopefully the authorities have surveillance footage to back this up.

PITTSBURGH – A McCain campaign volunteer made up a story of being robbed, pinned to the ground and having the letter "B" scratched on her face in a politically inspired attack, police said Friday.

Nail her for it, or get her some mental help, or whatever. Making false claims, any false claims, is wrong and only serves to hurt people making legitimate claims.


Mayor Daley puts $2 million city price tag for Obamafest. Obama will pay election night rally costs

WASHINGTON--Flush with cash--and still begging donors for more--the Obama campaign is planning a $2 million dollar election night extravaganza at Chicago's lakefront Grant Park. Mayor Daley had suggested Obama use the United Center to keep the price down--but Celine Dion was already booked there for a Nov. 4 concert.

Jump the gun much? Talk about arrogance. Well, I would, but then I'd just be a racist. At risk of sounding... biblical but isn't there something about pride going before a fall? Oh well. Me, I'd love to see him pulling a Carville on his two million dollar stage after his loss Nov 4th... or whenever the Democrats stop with their lawsuits and whining about voter irregularity and general poor sportsmanship they indulge in whenever they don't get their way.

Sen. Bingaman (D-NM) On the need to reintroduce the Fairness Doctrine.

Contrary to their claims, leftists do not believe in free speech. You are to know what they want you to know. Think what they want you to think. Say what they want you to say. Anyone who dares to step out of line and speak out will be crushed. Just ask "Joe the Plumber".

Talk radio has been a thorn in their side since it was struck down in the 1980s. Which is exactly why they've always been wanting to reinstate the Fairness Doctrine. But this is a thorn that very much needs to exist. Especially if Sen. Obama gets into the White House with a Reid/Pelosi controlled Congress.

The "mainstream" media, being populated by an overwhelming number of leftists, isn't going to hold these clowns' feet to the fire. So talk radio, and the internet, will have to do the job the water-carriers in the "mainstream" media won't and they don't want that.

The leftists want to control what people think and say and do. But they can't do it if there are outlets for other positions to be expressed freely and openly. Which is why they will try everything they can to remove those outlets.

This just in from the Department of 'Why is this the first time I've heard of this guy?"...

The similarities are pretty troubling, as Pastor James David Manning points out. I'm not saying Sen. Obama is going to fire up the ovens or anything, but the similarities are troubling.


IMAO's always been one of my favorite blogs, and here's a perfect example of why.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

This just in from the Department of Hints...

Joe the Senator has inadvertently repeated the concerns he expressed during the primaries to donors. As with the case of Sen. Obama's San Francisco "clinging" gaffe, he thought this was said in private. Mercifully for the American people, he was wrong.

"Mark my words," the Democratic vice presidential nominee warned at the second of his two Seattle fundraisers Sunday. "It will not be six months before the world tests Barack Obama like they did John Kennedy. The world is looking. We're about to elect a brilliant 47-year-old senator president of the United States of America. Remember I said it standing here if you don't remember anything else I said. Watch, we're gonna have an international crisis, a generated crisis, to test the mettle of this guy."

I have no doubt that he's right, if not on to something. Sen. Obama, by not only his lack of experience, but by his repeatedly showing that he lack of judgment is only surpassed by his naivete, has shown the world, and more importantly, those who wish to do us harm, that he's an easy mark. A bantamweight. A pushover. And I have little doubt they'll want to see how far they can push him. Something they would never try to pull with Sen. McCain. They know his mettle.

All the "present" votes and all the self-removal in the world won't help Sen. Obama... or us. As a result of the media not doing their job of holding this guy up to scrutiny and the nitwits obsessed with "making history" and the racists putting race ahead of the country's best interest, American lives will be put in jeopardy if these clowns get their wish.

Not that they give a crap.

I wonder where he'll be working...

An interesting slip up, I guess you could call it, came to light during a recent interview of Gov. Palin by CNN's Drew Griffin. On the subject of Sen. Biden's recent "mark my words" comment to donors about his number one's... excuse me, The One's obvious weakness and lack of experience and judgment that the world's troublemakers will no doubt try to exploit and the resounding, or continuing, lack of tough coverage by the media was this exchange.

NN: [LAUGHS] I mean, did Joe Biden get a pass?

Palin: Drew, you need to ask your colleagues and I guess your bosses or whoever is in charge of all this, why does Joe Biden get a pass on such a thing? Can you imagine if I would've said such a thing? No, I think that, you know, we would be hounded and held accountable for, what in the world did you mean by that, VP presidential candidate? Why would you say that, mark my words, this nation will undergo international crisis if you elect Barack Obama? If I would've said that you guys'd clobbered me.

CNN: You're right. [LAUGHTER] You're right.

Part of me thinks, damn, if this lady can get this kind of admission out of a member of the media this easily, she should be chatting with the terrorists we've been picking up over the years since Sept 11th. Of course, as rabidly as the leftist are when it comes to Gov. Palin, they'd no doubt equate this to something worse than waterboarding. Another part of me thinks that the media is so arrogant, has become so confident in its power, that it doesn't feel the need to hide their obvious bias any longer.

This just in from the Department of Defense Polling...

A very interesting trend has come to light thanks to the polling data accumulated by the Army Times about the upcoming Presidential Election.

All Respondents: McCain 68% Obama 23%
By Race - White: McCain 76% Obama 17%
By Race - Latino: McCain 63% Obama 27%
By Race - Other: McCain 58% Obama 30%
By Race - Black: McCain 12% Obama 79%

Uhm... yeah... race has nothing to do with this, or Gen. Powell's endorsement, I'm sure.

Monday, October 20, 2008

A Wake Up Call...

(Hattip - Gateway Pundit)

As I've said repeatedly, Bill Ayers being a terrorist isn't the point. Terrorism is a tactic not an ideology. His ideology has remained the same, the overthrow of the capitalist system and replace it with something more "humane". Namely, communism. But his tactics have evolved from setting bombs to turning our education system into an indoctrination system. It is this current tactic Sen. Obama has helped fund for years. Well past his eighth birthday. People need to look past this man's race and his eloquence, his celebrity and his coolness and see what he's really about. I only hope it's not too late.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

This just in from the Department of Convenient Definitions...

Didn't we already go through this crap with the word "is"? Now we do the denial twist of the words "temporary" and "permanent". I'm about tired of this leftist habit. But good for Palestra. A bunch of college journalists doing the job the paid journalists are refusing to do.

This just in from the Department of Helpful Hints...

Joe the Senator, Chris the "Journalist", et al... when you scratch the National Anthem at a rally to free up time for people to talk about you, that's not being pro-American. Ego maniacal? Narcissistic? Sure. Pro-American? Not so much. Oh, and neither is this:

Just sayin'.

Just another isolated incident...

Note any troubling similarities?

This just in from the Department of Implausible Supportability...

Powell endorses Obama as 'transformational

"I think he is a transformational figure," Powell said. "He is a new generation coming ... onto the world stage and on the American stage. And for that reason, I'll be voting for Senator Barack Obama."

Yes, General. But a transformation into what? Me, I think he's a Manchurian Candidate, hand groomed not by the Muslims as those who have fallen for the red herring believe, but by the far-left radicals of the 1960s. While America and its capitalist system has its flaws, it is far better than the "worker's utopia" the radicals have in mind.

Is this endorsement a surprise? Not to anyone who has been paying attention. Of course, the media is playing this up like it's a huge shift. I find it odd that a man who has been a four star General would side with a guy who has promised to geld our defense. I find it odder still that someone, especially of Gen. Powell's generation, would side with a person who so readily deploys slash-n-burn tactics against anyone who so much as questions him, his positions, or his associations.

I, like Rush Limbaugh, wonder how many inexperienced, wildly leftist, white politicians the retired General has endorsed. Now, if Rush Limbaugh was to endorse Sen. Obama, that would be a huge shift. Gen. Powell's endorsement... not so much.

This just in... Live from New York!

Palin smiles as 'SNL' mocks her anew

In the show's opening, Fey's impersonation of Palin told a group of reporters, "First off, I just want to say how excited I am to be in front of both the liberal elite media as well as the liberal regular media. I am looking forward to a portion of your questions."


Palin then stood mute as Fey's "30 Rock" co-star, Alec Baldwin came onto the stage, mistook Palin for Fey and pleaded with Michaels not to let the actor go onstage with the governor.

"This is the most important election in our nation's history and you want her, our Tina, to go out there and stand with that horrible woman?" Baldwin said.

When Michaels broke down and introduced him to Palin, Baldwin feigned embarrassment and replied, "I see. Forgive me. I feel I must say this: You are way hotter in person."

Palin got even by saying, "Thank you, and I must say, your brother Stephen is my favorite Baldwin brother."

Double ha!

Joe meets Huck

'Joe' wildly received on Fox News show

"It actually upsets me," Mr. Wurzelbacher said. "I am a plumber, and just a plumber, and here Barack Obama or John McCain, I mean these guys are going to deal with some serious issues coming up shortly. The media's worried about whether I paid my taxes, they're worried about any number of silly things that have nothing to do with America. They really don't. I asked a question. When you can't ask a question to your leaders anymore, that gets scary. That bothers me."

It should bother/worry/scare the hell out of everyone. Even those on the left who insist they believe in the freedom of speech, of "speaking truth to power", and fear fascism to the point they see "brown shirts" around every corner. You know, unless they're just full of crap.