This just in from the Department of Not Buying It...
Cheney Calls Kerry's Hunt a Cover-Up
(AP) SYLVANIA, Ohio -- Vice President Dick Cheney poked fun at Sen. John Kerry's goose hunting Thursday, arguing that the image of the gun-toting, camouflaged Democrat was an "October disguise" that masked his voting record against gun rights.
I am sick and tired, as I've stated before, by the obvious bullshit coming out of the Kerry campaign. Stop trying to fool the American people into believing that just because you bagged a goose that you're some staunch defender of our right to keep and bear arms, Senator Kerry.
The question that no one seems to be asking is, why in the hell would you spend your career voting one way (anti-defense, both in terms of national- and self-defense) and then try to make like you haven't?
If you're a Liberal, if you oppose citizens keeping an bearing arms, then embrace it. If you believe your position is the right one, stand up. Don't try to hide your position. Surely, being a Liberal who wants to infringe upon the citizenry's right to keep and bear arms isn't a bad thing, right? It's the right position that you believe it to be, right?
Thought so.