"The superior man, when resting in safety, does not forget that danger may come. When in a state of security he does not forget the possibility of ruin. When all is orderly, he does not forget that disorder may come. Thus his person is not endangered, and his States and all their clans are preserved." -- Confucius

Saturday, September 25, 2004

This Just in from the Department What Media Bias™...

Bush Twists Kerry's Words on Iraq

WACO, Texas Jennifer Loven (AP)- President Bush opened several new scathing lines of attack against Democrat John Kerry, charges that twisted his rival's words on Iraq and made Kerry seem supportive of deposed dictator Saddam Hussein.

It was not unlike the spin that Kerry and his forces sometimes place on Bush's words. [emphasis added -ed.]

Sometimes? Sometimes!? Senator Kerry, in his midnight hissyfit at the conclusion of the RNC, told his supporters that Vice President Cheney had said that he was unfit for command. Which he did not. And that's just one example that came to my early morning pre-caffeine mind.

Senator Kerry has repeatedly accused the Bush camp of questioning his patriotism and his service in Vietnam. Which they have never done. I never see that getting straightened out by the media. It doesn't matter what they actually say.

They could say, "The Senator's voting record in the Senate suggests that he's weak in defense." And Senator Kerry will cry that they're questioning his patriotism and his service in Vietnam.

They could say, "The Senator's position changes on all manner of key issues." And Senator Kerry will cry that they're questioning his patriotism and his service in Vietnam.

Hell, they could say, "The Senator's got a mighty nice haircut." And Senator Kerry will cry that they're questioning his patriotism and his service in Vietnam.

Here's a quarter, Jennifer Loven. Go buy yourself a clue.

Friday, September 24, 2004

Hey Utah, Are You Ready for Some Football?

AFL approves Salt Lake City for 2006

NEW YORK -– The Arena Football League Board of Directors approved an application from an ownership group in Salt Lake City, Utah to begin play in 2006 and set the divisional alignment for the 2005 season during a meeting today via conference call.

“Salt Lake City is a world-class sports market and will be a great addition to the Arena Football League,” said AFL Commissioner DAVID BAKER. “I feel confident that with the addition of Salt Lake City, coupled with serious interest from significant ownership groups in Boston, Kansas City, Miami and Washington, we will have 20 strong teams heading into our 20th season in 2006.”

One of the great things about arena football is that folks that don't have NFL teams, like Grand Rapids or... Los Angeles, get to enjoy pro football. And with the AF2 (arena football's minor league) folks from Wichita to Wilkes-Barre get in on the fun. as well.

The Kats are coming back to Nashville next season and now Utah's on track for '06. I wonder which of the four cities mentioned will be getting their team first. The Washington Warriors have been in the rumormill for a while. It'd be nice to have someplace roadtripable to catch the Soul on the road.

An AFL team in New England would be cool. One of the other things about arena football is, no matter what sort of crappy weather is going on outside, you're warm (or cool) and dry inside. Something that would be as welcome in New England as it is in Arizona. Did you know Arizona has a pro-football team that actually wins?

A third team for Florida? Hmm... I wonder if they'll start a new team in Miami or bring back the Hooters. Yes, those Hooters. I hope not. They might stop sending Hooters Girls to run out on the field to toss out t-shirts during commerical breaks at all the Soul home games. And that would not be a Good Thing.

Here's Where I Start Pissing (Right-Leaning) People Off

(Hat Tip: Instapundit)

Undermining 'Under God'

Eugene Volokh -- The House of Representatives just passed a bill that says: "No court created by Act of Congress shall have any jurisdiction, and the Supreme Court shall have no appellate jurisdiction, to hear or decide any question pertaining to the interpretation of, or the validity under the Constitution of, the Pledge of Allegiance . . . or its recitation."

The trouble is that the proposed law might have the perverse effect of jeopardizing the "under God" rather than preserving it.

Ready for the "getting pissed" part? Take a deep breath and plunge ahead bunky...

The "trouble" is not that this sillyass move could remove "... under God" from the Pledge of Allegiance. The trouble is that "... under God" was ever added at all. The fellow who originally wrote the Pledge (in 1892) was a guy by the name of Francis Bellamy. He was a Baptist Pastor (as well as a Socialist, but that's neither here-nor-there) and he didn't write "...under God" into the Pledge. Sort of odd, what with him being a Pastor and all. "... under God" was added later, in the 1950s.

America was not founded as a Christian Nation, nor as a JuedoChristian Nation. It was founded as a nation of freedom. While we're at it, save the "under God doesn't mean the God of the Bible" argument. The Knights of Columbus were the driving force behind the changing of the Pledge. If Jews and Christians refered to the Divine as YHWH or Jehovah or Jesus, then I might buy that argument.

Changing the Pledge, like changing the National Motto from the far more applicable E Pluribus Unum to In God We Trust took place long after the time of the Founding Fathers. Now, there is a pile of FF quotes supporting both sides of the argument. Been there, done that. But two things written in the days of the FFs, by the FFs themselves lend themselves to undermine the "US was founded as a Christian Nation" argument.

The first is the First Amendment. The First Amendment and the First Commandment simply do not jive up. If the FFs were founding a JuedoChristian nation, would they list the freedom of religion at the top of the Bill of Rights?

The second is the Treaty of Tripoli, specifically, Article 11...
As the government of the United States of America is not in any sense founded on the Christian Religion,--as it has in itself no character of enmity against the laws, religion or tranquility of Musselmen,--and as the said States never have entered into any war or act of hostility against any Mehomitan nation, it is declared by the parties that no pretext arising from religious opinions shall ever produce an interruption of the harmony existing between the two countries.

Unlike the changes to the Pledge and the Motto, which took place in the 1950s, the Treaty of Tripoli was first sketched out under Washington's second term, and ratified under Adams's first term. It was read aloud before the Congress and printed in the papers of the time, without uproar.

The "...under God" in the Pledge is isn't about some age-old tradition that's getting the business, it's about a recent tradition that never should have happened in the first place.

That said, I totally support the right of everyone, Christian and Non-Christian alike, to worship (or not worship) as they choose. One of the things about the Right that really drives me up the walls is that they feel the freedom of religion only applies to Christians. Of course, the Left's belief that the freedom of religion only applies to Non-Christians is equally as annoying.

The way I see it is, you believe as you choose and I'll believe as I choose. I'm not going to try and shove (overtly or subtly) my religous beliefs down your throat. Don't go trying to shove yours (overtly or subtly) down mine. "...under God" should be removed from the Pledge. E Pluribus Unum should once again be the national motto.


Thursday, September 23, 2004

Meanwhile, back in 1971...

Kerry Says Allawi's Speech Contradicts Reality in Iraq

COLUMBUS, Ohio, Sept. 23 WaPo -- Sen. John F. Kerry said on Thursday that Iraq's interim prime minister, Ayad Allawi, put the "best face" on a failed policy when the foreign leader addressed Congress earlier in the morning.

Can someone please tell the good Senator to kindly shut the hell up.

"The United States and the Iraqis have retreated from whole areas of Iraq," Kerry told reporters outside a firehouse. "There are no-go zones in Iraq today. You can't hold an election in a no-go zone."

Yeah, as Prime Minister Allawi pointed out, saying that 15 of 18 Iraqi provinces were peaceful and the other three (including Falluja) have "pockets of terrorists."

Iraq's 1/6th no-go zone rate is probably better that a lot of places in the US. Iraq is a country that's roughly the size of California. How many no-go zones does Cali have? Senator Kerry's rich, pale ass has as good a chance, if not better, of running into serious trouble walking thru South Central or Watts.

Anyone else tired of Senator Kerry talking down every ally this country has while all but performing public fellatio on every so-called ally, obstructionist, and flatout enemy this country has?

I know I am.

Anyone else tired of John Kerry's lifelong career of sabotaging war effort after war effort (Vietnam, Cold War, the WoT) for personal, political gain?

I know I am.

And it looks like Vice President Cheney is as well...
"I was appalled at the complete lack of respect Sen. Kerry showed for this man of courage when he rushed out to hold a press conference and attack the prime minister, the man America must stand with to defeat the terrorists."

Is it November 3rd yet?

Wednesday, September 22, 2004

A "Chill Wind" in WV Update

(Hat Tip: Michelle Malkin)

It looks as though the IUPAT has identified the "person" who tore up 3 year old Sophia Parlock's Bush-Cheney sign and is taking steps to deal with him. So much for the accusations that the union thug was the little girl's brother. Sorry Attaturk, no pajamas for you.

Meanwhile, President Bush has heard the story and has replied...

"Dear Sophia, Thank you for supporting my campaign. I understand someone tore up your sign. So I am sending you a new sign and a signed picture."

Pretty damn cool in my book.

Previous Crrrap:
This just in from the Reality Check Cashing Department...
The "Chill Wind" in West Virginia, an Update


Iraq Group Says Kills Two Italian Hostages -Web

DUBAI (Reuters) -- An Islamist group in Iraq has said it killed two female Italian hostages in a statement posted on an Internet site not often used by Iraqi militants.

It looks like two more people trying to help the Iraqi people have been butchered. BTW, the outfit the two Italian women were working with is Un Ponte per Baghdad, or "a Bridge to Baghdad" that could be categorized as a left-leaning, anti-war outfit, that's been "running" supplies and aid to the Iraqi people since the ceasefire that ended Operation Desert Storm. By running, I mean they were doing their thing in violation of the UN sanctions.

These gutless, mindless animals are killing innocent civilians. Men and women (it doesn't matter) whose only "crime" is trying to help the Iraqi people. What in the hell is wrong with these people animals?

(Sad Hat Tip: Drink This...)

A Sad Day for Breast Men Everywhere...

Cult filmmaker Russ Meyer dies aged 82

LOS ANGELES (AFP) -- US adult film pioneer Russ Meyer, who earned the sobriquet "king of the nudies" or "King Leer" and went on to be acclaimed as a cult movie maker, has died at the age of 82.

I mean, I've heard of the Sword of Damaclese but...

Falling Crucifix Kills Woman

ROME (Reuters) -- A 67-year-old woman was killed when a three-meter tall metal crucifix fell on her head in a small southern Italian town on Wednesday, police said.


Tuesday, September 21, 2004

Lead or Get off the Pot

U.N. Hears Annan Condemn Global Violations

(AP) -- Before a vast assembly of world leaders, U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan on Tuesday criticized the violation of basic laws around the globe -- from cold-blooded massacres and prisoner abuses in Iraq to the seizing of children in Russia and widespread rape in Sudan. "Today the rule of law is at risk around the world," Annan said. "Again and again, we see fundamental laws shamelessly disregarded -- those that ordain respect for innocent life, for civilians, for the vulnerable -- especially children."

Then get off your ineffective ass and do something about it, Kofi. You're the head of the organization that's supposed to be stopping this stuff from happening, fercrissakes. Instead, you're the head of an impotent debating society busy with doing nothing but protecting tinpot dictators the world over, lining your pockets while people suffer and die, and trying to stick it to the US every friggin' chance you get.

By the way, Kofi, while we're sharing this special moment...

The filling of mass-graves, the rape-rooms, the torture chambers, the blowing up of school kids, the beheadings of innocent civilians, the genocide in the Sudan, the slave-trade in Africa and some poor Iraqis getting panties stuck on their heads are not morally equivalent actions. Stop trying to pretend that they are.


The just in from the Department of History Revision...

Looks like the DNCBS is right on top of things. The previous incarnation of this webpage entitled "Bush Lied", covering the whole "case" the CBS memos "proved" has now been replaced with a list of linked articles about recent news events.

Funny, they don't seem to have anything involving the obviously forgeries the memos in question are. Nothing involving CBS's Mary Mapes contacting Joe Lockhart, of the Kerry campaign, telling him to contact Bill Burkett who in turn contacted Max Cleland before going on CBS's 60 Minutes II with Dan Rather who also had "testimony" of Ben Barnes who is a major player in the Kerry campaign.

Hmm... maybe they'll mention that in the next incarnation.

This just in from the Department of Misplaced Anger...

Lewis & Clark Re-Enactors Face Protests

ST. LOUIS (AP) -- A group re-enacting the Lewis and Clark expedition were confronted in South Dakota by American Indian leaders who questioned the legacy of the 200-year-old trip and its effects on native culture.

"I went as a peaceful emissary and asked in a kind way if they would leave," said Alex White Plume, a Lakota from Pine Ridge, S.D., who led the protest. "They should go home and rethink what they did to the native population."

What they did? Please, someone tell me exactly what these reenactors did to the native population?

Newsflash for Alex White Plume: These reenactors didn't do anything to the native population.

Unless, of course, these reenactors did something other that show up wearing funky clothing, and probably smelling a bit, they've done exactly squat. If you have evidence to the contrary (and CBS wasn't in any way involved in obtaining that evidence) then press charges. Otherwise, shut yer yap.

Calling the folks whom I suppose Alex is talking about "natives" is about as accurate as calling them "Indians".

I suppose it's all a matter of how far back you take things, isn't Alex?

Everyone that these reenactors have passed along their journey, whether they were white, red, black, yellow or brown and were born wherever the reenactors passed them, are considered the "native population".

Monday, September 20, 2004

Apparently, the "C" Stands for Coordination...

... in both CBS and the DNC.

Kerry Aide Talked to Retired Guard Officer

NEW YORK (AP) -- At the behest of CBS, an adviser to John Kerry said he talked to a central figure in the controversy [Bill Burkett] over President Bush's National Guard service shortly before disputed documents were released.

Let's see, Bill Burkett didn't come to CBS, as Dan pointed out during this evening's apology(?) CBS went to him. But first, CBS tipped off the Kerry campaign to talk to Bill Burkett. Then CBS was presented with obviously bogus memos with which they ran to air their story bagging on President Bush's TANG service three-some-odd decades ago. A story that could, for some odd reason, damage his attempt to retain the Oval Office come January. Meanwhile, the Kerry campaign was busy at work on their 'Fortunate Son' ads.

How is this legal? Is this legal? WTF

This is making my friggin' head spin.


Looks like I'm drawing a suspicious eye. Note the second visitor.

Must. Hide. Ring.

DNC: Denial Still not a River in Egypt

(Hat tip: SondraK)

What's the word I'm going for here...? Oh yeah!


Forget Canada...

... nuke these bastards.

Forget the Moon...

... nuke Canada.

Or at least these pricks.

U.S. Draft Dodgers Getting Recognized

NELSON, British Columbia (AP) -- U.S. draft dodgers who fled to Canada are finally getting some recognition — in Canada.

The should've gotten recognition in the US... friggin' Jimmah Carter and his stupid pardons.

"This will mark the courageous legacy of Vietnam War resisters and the Canadians who helped them resettle in this country during that tumultuous era," said Isaac Romano, director of Our Way Home, a celebration set for 2006.

  • a) Screw You.

  • b) If this was about Vietnam draft-dodgers, you should've done this in the 70s or 80s.

  • c) Screw You.

  • d) The timing smacks of another "kick to the leg of George Bush".

  • e) Screw You.

Johnnie Get Yer Gun...

Since I'm on the subject of the good Senator from Massachusetts and his stance on firearms ownership, I figured I'd bring up the thing that's had me scratching my head for a while now. When asked what his favorite firearms was, Senator Kerry replied:

"My favorite gun is the M-16 that saved my life and that of my crew in Vietnam. I don't own one of those now, but one of my reminders of my service is a Communist Chinese assault rifle."

WTF, over? Did he just say he owns an AK-47? A reminder (read: souvenir) of his time in Vietnam (No kidding? I didn't know he was in Vietnam, maybe he should've mentioned that before). I gotta say, one wonders:

  • If the AK-47 in question was one he brought back from Vietnam?

  • If the AK-47 still functions?

  • If Senator Kerry has a Class III license needed to own a fully-automatic firearm? UPDATE: Class III's needed to deal, not possess. Thanks John of Argghhh!!

  • If the laws of his decidedly hoplophobic home state of Massachusetts allow him to own it?

  • What are the military regulations regarding the 'taking of souvenirs' and did he violate them?

  • What are the federal firearms importation laws and did he violate them?

  • If the Senator has ever heard the phrase "Engage Brain Before Running Mouth"?

And one more just... well, just 'cause you're thinking it already...

  • Was the Communist Chinese AK-47 a war trophy, or was it a gift from his supporters?

So, Senator John "And so tomorrow, for the first time in 10 years, when a killer walks into a gun shop, when a terrorist goes to a gun show somewhere in America, when they want to purchase an AK-47 or some other military assault weapon, they're going to hear one word: 'Sure'." Kerry's favorite firearm is a really real assault weapon (M-16) and owns another really real assault weapon (AK-47) but we, the law-abiding citizens of America, can't even own a semi-automatic knockoff of either?

It's a good thing I don't blog with one of those speech-to-type programs, the string of expletives gets pretty colorful when I so much as think about the hypocrisy of this bozo.

BTW, when asked the same question, President Bush replied, "My favorite gun is a Weatherby Athena 20 gauge." A nice double-barrelled, uncheap, non-saturday night special, non-assault weapon, mid-powered shotgun.

Forget the "Who would you rather have a beer with?" poll. I've already got my answer when I get asked the "Who would you rather go to the range with?" poll.

Speaking of Labyrinthine Laws...

(Hat tip: Don't Tread On Me)

One of the more irksome things about being a gun owner in America, aside from the raging hoplophobic mobs and media talkingheads that don't know a "clip" from a "magazine", is dealing with the decidedly confusing gun control laws. There are only about 20,000 of the suckers to keep straight, and each state has very different attitudes towards firearms, and their laws reflect that fact. And if you make what truly amounts to an honest mistake you can find yourself up that bad, bad creek with that ever important paddle.

Case in point, John Kerry's new shotgun. Nevermind that if he'd had his way, the shotgun in question would have been banned. Let's deal with the ever-changing amorphous blob that is "existing gun control laws".

New legal research by gun-law expert Alan Korwin indicates that merely accepting a gift shotgun from a private party out of his home state would be a five-year federal felony for Massachusetts Senator John Kerry, the Democratic candidate for President [see United States Code, section 922(a)(9)]. Giving him the gun would also be a felony [922(a)(5)].

Note that no one got hurt, except Senator Kerry's laughable credibility on the subject. But that's not exactly anything new. It was simply one private citizen giving another private citizen an inanimate object, a tool with no will of its own. Used to happen all the time. Finely engraved firearms were presented to prominent folks all the time. No big whoop. No need to make a federal case out of it, right?

See folks, this is why gun control laws are stupid. Well, one of the reasons. When even a guy who "never met a gun control law he didn't like" doesn't even know when he's breaking those very same gun control laws, how the heck is John and Jane Q. Public supposed to know?

Urgent Message from the Nation of Youdonsay...

CBS Says Was Misled About Bush Documents

(AP) -- NEW YORK - CBS apologized Monday and said it was misled about the authenticity of documents used to support a "60 Minutes" story that questioned President Bush's Vietnam War-era National Guard service, after several experts denounced them as fakes.

But they don't say "Because we wanted to be misled". The cons that work best are the ones that tell you what you want to hear, and show you what you want to see.

CBS said Burkett acknowledged he provided the documents and said he deliberately misled a CBS producer, giving her a false account of their origin to protect a promise of confidentiality to a source.

Three words (or two if you count like Senator Kerry) Nail. His. Ass. This guy commited a federal offense, no doubt multiple federal offenses, in an attempt to sway the Presidential election during a time of war. Lock him up and throw away the key.

That doesn't, of course, leave Mr. Rather off the hook. It wasn't journalistic pride that was keeping him from seeing the glaringly obvious truth about those memos. It was naked partisanship. I don't know if being the willing participant in a fraud conducted to influence the Presidential election in a time of war is a capital offense, or if it's even a crime, but he should have to face some sort of music.

If someone walked into Mr. Rather's office, placed a pistol on his desk and upon leaving suggested that he took the honorable way out, I'm not sure that I'd get choked up about it if he took the advice.

I do find it ironic that, after all these years of going after others to the point that their careers and/or lives were ruined, the shoe is now on the other foot.

PRNJ Election Tomfoolery - On a National Scale

(Hat Tip: Editor in Pajamas)


NRO -- Suppose Kerry is tainted by the memo, and the whole thing crushes his chances. His poll numbers plummet around the country. By October, he looks like he's on his way to a Dukakis-Mondale style blowout. Worse, he's dragging down Senate candidates in Florida, Georgia, the Carolinas, Colorado, etc. The Democrats face an election day with even worse losses in the House.

Would the Democratic party dump Kerry, and bring in some other candidate at the last minute?

It's happened before. NJ's Senator Robert Toricelli was on his way to a defeat, so instead of taking the loss, Toricelli stepped down for ethical reasons, and was replaced on the ballot by Frank Lautenberg. After the deadline set forth in NJ election law. After the people had voted for Toricelli in the primary election. After his opponent spent gobs of money running against Toricelli. After his opponent had fine-tuned his strategy. The result, Lauthenberg won the election.

Let's hope they don't try to pull this trick (and trick it is) again.

Cardinals Retire Pat Tillman's Jersey

TEMPE, Ariz. (AP) -- The Arizona Cardinals honored Pat Tillman on Sunday in an emotional halftime ceremony that featured the fallen player's widow and other members of his family.

Not much more I can add to this except that I wish I could have seen the ceremony. But then again, a part of me is glad I didn't.

Something I wrote on another forum after the reports of Tillman's death broke:

Yeah. Saw that today. Turned down 6 million for 3 million out of team loyalty. Turned down 3 million for not even 20k out of duty. Turned down numerous interviews from sportswriters trying to make a big deal of his decision out of humility. It's a shame, but he died doing what he knew he had to do. It's a shame there aren't more like him. And it's an even bigger shame that those who are like him don't get mentioned more often.

Sunday, September 19, 2004

Funny thing happened on my way to the Gun Show...

Nothing strikes fear into the hearts of a hoplophobe more than the words "Gun Show". Okay, that's not exactly true. Anything with the word "gun" (in it or implied) sets them off. In the wake of the passage of the so-called "Assault Weapons Ban", the next boogieman in the world of the gun-banners was the eeevil entity that is the Gun Show.

After they convinced the American people that no one needed an eeevil "assault weapon" and had their little law, they set their sights on closing the so-called "gun show loophole". According to them, gun shows are shadowy places where the twenty-some-odd-thousand gun control laws didn't apply. A place where gang-bangers and terrorists come to buy machineguns with which they would make the streets run red with the blood of kids, cops and cute little puppies.

The reality, as is typical with this subject, differs significantly from the chicken-littlian tales of doom and gloom set forth by the gun control advocates. With the exception of private citizens that show up with a rifle or a shotgun slung over their shoulders for sale, the dealers at the gun show are FFL (Federal Firearms License) holders. FFL sales are highly regulated and subject to all the laws and regulations that the dealers must hold to in their shops. NICS checks, "yellow sheets", waiting periods (when and where applicable), the works.

The only exception being, the aforementioned private citizens. Currently, it's still legal, at least federally, for private citizens to sell his or her private property to another private citizen. This does not however apply to fully-automatic firearms. These Class III weapons, and the sale (transfer actually) is covered by the NFA'34 whether sold by a dealer or a private citizen.

All in all, a gun show is a place where the consumer goes to a single location where they can peruse and purchase from numerous venders. Sort of like the thing most of us call "a mall". They just don't have Starbucks and Cinnabuns there... yet.

With the sunset of the AWB earlier this week, the hoplophobes were in a panic. Killers and terrorists and puppy-shooters were going to be able to walk into gun shows (or the equally dreaded Wal-Mart) and buy fully-automatic AK-47s and Uzis and all manner of other nasty bits of kit.

This weekend marked the first gun show in the area to take place after the AWB sunsetted. So, I'd made up my mind I was going to attend the show. Even though I was fighting the tailend of a cold, and the tailend of Hurricane Ivan, I made my way to Valley Forge. Valley Forge is one of those places that reminds you "to quit bitching and drive on troop", so "drive on" I did... literally.

Parking was, as always, a bugger. It's not for a lack of parking at the convention center, mind you. There are a lot more gun owners than the MSM would have you believe. I walked thru the rain to the door, paid my seven bucks, got my hand stamped, and made my way out onto the floor of the convention-center-turned-gun-show. I was immediately astounded at the sheer number of Crips and Bloods and cute-puppy-shooters and terrorists of all stripes that I did not find there. (Silly hoplophobes)

The same folks I've been seeing at this show (and shows like it) for years, I saw again. Men and women. Older folks and younger folks. White and black and brown. Vets and hunters and first-time shooters. Blackpowder shooters and pistol shooters. Shotgunners and riflemen. Militaria collectors and fans of the wonderment that is jerky.

I did notice that there were more folks in wheelchairs this time around. Maybe they'd been hitting the shows and I just hadn't noticed before. Folks in wheelchairs, like women, benefit highly from the right to keep and bear arms. And no, Senator Kerry, I'm not talking about duck hunting here. I'm talking about concealed carry. You know, the bearing part of the Second Amendment you claim to be a supporter of. A person in a wheelchair is at the same physical disadvantage as a woman when confronted by your average thug, if not worse. A handy snub-nosed .38 quickly turns defenseless prey into something with teeth.

But enough about that... what about the assault weapons?? They were there. They've always been there. Pre-94 "assault weapons" could be had during the ban, at a higher price. Supply and demand, baby. Post-94 "assault weapons" could also be had during the ban, just without the offending pistol-grips or flash suppressors or bayonet lugs.

Missing were those sillyass high capacity magazines that had the lower halves replaced with blocks of plastic so that instead of the originally designed fifteen rounds, they could only hold ten. As with the "assault weapons" the hi-cap magazines outlawed by the AWB were always available. They just cost more.

I didn't notice a marked drop in prices, or a whole pile of post-post-ban AR-15s, however. It's probably still too soon after the ban for things to normalize yet.

Yeah, yeah, yeah... so what did you buy, you eeevil gun owner you?

Well, I didn't come home empty handed. I picked up a sweet little number. It's got a pistol grip. It's high capacity, which allows me to shoot a lot without having to reload. It even has a nifty little fire control unit on its muzzle. It doesn't have a bayonet lug though. And since I don't have a Class III license, it's capable of semi-automatic fire only. Below is the picture of my new acquisition.


A bottle of Break-Free CLP.

Not a whole helluva lot's changed at the gun shows post AWB sunset, but then again, I didn't expect it to. The same kinds of stuff that's always been there, was there. The same kinds of folks that always show up, showed up. Even if the faces and numbers change. They're just folks who want to exercise their Constitutionally enumerated right to keep and bears arms, pick up a new piece for their collection, or score a really sweet deal on some buffalo jerky.

New Niftiness Added to Crrrap!

Haloscan commenting and trackback have been added to this blog. Unfortunately, it wiped out the comments previously posted from the front page. Sorry 'bout that. They are still on the archived pages though.

(Hat tip to: Editors in Pajamas)

UPDATE: Looks like the comments have been wiped off the archived pages as well. My apologizes to the folks who had posted prior to the HaloScan upgrade... the both of you.

Urgent Message from the Nation of Tolyaso

Iran Denounces U.N. Demands As 'Illegal'

TEHRAN, Iran (AP) - Iran on Sunday denounced as "illegal" demands from the U.N. atomic watchdog agency that it freeze all work on uranium enrichment — technology that can be used for nuclear weapons. Hasan Rowhani, Iran's top nuclear negotiator, also said his country would limit its cooperation with the International Atomic Energy Agency if the watchdog refers Iran to the U.N Security Council for possible sanctions.

Told ya so.

The 2004 Presidential Election - A Hippocratic Viewpoint

Since the "Clinton Precedent" apparently didn't stick, I'm going to use more of a Hippocratic (as opposed to hypocritic) viewpoint when considering Vietnam era actions of the candidates from "The Big Two" this year. The Hippocratic Oath, boiled down means, "Above All, Do No Harm".

Let's say George W. Bush knowingly used string-pulling to get into the TANG. Let's say then LT Bush was ordered to and did not take a physical towards the end of his ANG hitch. Even though there's a preponderance showing the opposite, let's say that's all true.

Now lets move onto his opponent, Senator John F. Kerry. After receiving four deferments, he was turned down for a fifth and joined the Navy. As the captain of a swiftboat, he received a Bronze Star, a Silver Star, and three Purple Hearts. As a result of the three Purple Hearts (even though he missed a total of something like two days of duty due to the severity of his wounds) he was cycled out of Vietnam, but not out of the military.

While still a member of the military, he testified before Congress accusing his brothers in arms still fighting, still in captivity in Vietnam, of all manner of war crimes. His testimony fostered, one could say help created, the "Vietnam vet as psychotic animal" stigma. This stigma was not only haunted Vietnam vets for decades, it gave fuel to the anti-war movement, and it gave aid and comfort to the enemy.

One of the tactics communist countries employee during wartime is trying to get POWs to admit to war crimes so that they can use these testimonials for propaganda. Our military members take great pains, literally, to avoid giving the enemy such testimonials.

John Kerry gave the enemy for free, from the saftey and comfort of Washington DC, what our brave fighting men endured torture and deprivation to keep from providing.

While still a member of the military, (May, 1970) John Kerry and his wife traveled to Paris on a private trip where he met with Madam Nguyen Thi Binh, the Foreign Minister of the Provisional Revolutionary Government of Vietnam (the political wing of the Vietcong) as well as with representatives of Hanoi who were in Paris for the peace talks.

While still a member of the military, John F. Kerry joined the Vietnam Veterans Against the War and took part in demonstrations against the war, in uniform. These demonstrations included, but are not limited to, throwing away his (or not his) medals (or ribbons and not medals, or medals and not ribbons or both) and passing out flyers defaming the American military.

I'm not even going to bother getting into his post-Vietnam history of gelding the military and intelligence services so as to keep this apples-to-apples. Even though one could easily say that undermining the US military during the Cold War was, again, providing aid and comfort to the enemy. Heck, I won't even bother pointing out that Senator Kerry holds a place of honor in the Vietnamese Communist War Remnants Museum (formerly known as the "War Crimes Museum") in Ho Chi Minh City.

Just take the actions of George W. Bush and John F. Kerry during the Vietnam era into consideration, since that seems to be the focus for so many people. Which man's actions during the Vietnam war era fit inline with the Hippocratic Oath? Which one's fit the "Above All, Do No Harm" guideline?

This just in from the Department of Preemptive Suicide...

Man Linked to Bush Memos Contacted Cleland

AUSTIN, Texas (AP) -- A retired Texas National Guard official [Bill Burkett] mentioned as a possible source for disputed documents about President Bush's service in the Guard said he passed along information to a former senator working with John Kerry's campaign.

Ooookay. While this tangled web unravels a bit more, I figure I'll skip my speculations and more right into... Why the heck are we bothering with this? I mean, how stinking deperate do you have to be to try to use an alleged missed physical or some alleged string-pulling three decades ago to "prove" someone's a liar?

One would think former President Clinton's election and reelection would've set a precedent for the whole issue of Vietnam-era service. The guy was a flatout draft-dodger, but that was okay. Just ask Senator Kerry.