"The superior man, when resting in safety, does not forget that danger may come. When in a state of security he does not forget the possibility of ruin. When all is orderly, he does not forget that disorder may come. Thus his person is not endangered, and his States and all their clans are preserved." -- Confucius

Saturday, November 08, 2008

Liberal Fascism...

You know, that sounds like a good title for a book. Oh, wait. As if we needed proof of how intolerant the "Party of Tolerance" tends to be, we have Even Handler. While at the same time he lists all the various sins, real or imagined or just simply misrepresented, of the last eight years (read: of anyone not on the left) he is completely comfortable with the idea of aggressively shoving his beliefs down people's throats until everyone sees things his way. These whackjobs would be funny if they weren't so damned serious. They have no ideal just how fascistic they are. No idea whatever. And that's what makes them dangerous.

Friday, November 07, 2008

Tonight... on Pravda...

(Via: Dan Cleary)

No Mr. Matthews, that's not the job of a journalist. You're supposed to be keeping elected officials straight. Holding them accountable. You're supposed to be giving the American people the information we need to hold their feet to the fire. You're not supposed to be making sure their administrations "work" you hack.

This just in from the Department of Defense...

Fears of a Dem crackdown lead to boom in gun sales

Like Smith, gun enthusiasts nationwide are stocking up on firearms out of fears that the combination of an Obama administration and a Democrat-dominated Congress will result in tough new gun laws.

But Joe the Gaffe told us to gird our loins, didn't he?

The irony, aside from the "We come in peace!" bit from The One about respecting the Second Amendment and the usual suspects like the Brady Campaign, is that these folks aren't the problem that these "common sense" laws are supposedly trying to deal with yet they're the only ones who will be affected by them.

Senator Joe... no, not the a$$hole one...

Lieberman in talks about caucusing with Senate GOP

Lieberman's affiliation with Democrats is up in the air. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada, angered by Lieberman's support of Republican John McCain for president, is considering yanking Lieberman's chairmanship of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee as punishment.

Not surprised by this move any more than I'm surprised that the vindictive Democrats are coming after Sen. Lieberman. The thing I find... well... I can't really say troubling... I guess. I mean, it's not a surprise that they're doing this. It's the whole call for bipartisanship thing the President- and Vice President-elect have been going on about. Which, again, I know is an utter load of bullcrap in a way reminiscent of the Martians from Mars Attacks saying "We come in peace!" over and over as they death-rayed the batsnot out of the human populace. By "bipartisanship" they mean, don't fight. Sit down, shut up, and let us rule. But still, it would go a long way if President-elect stepped up for Sen. Lieberman.

Yeah... yeah... not holding my breath. I mean, he didn't step up to defend Gov. Palin from some of the most viscous attacks ever heaped upon another human being during the campaign. Or condemn the illegal invasions of privacy Joe the Plumber went through. So I don't really expect him to be man enough to come to Sen. Lieberman's aid.

This just in from the Department of Bad Pennies...

Obama's former pastor says media exploited him

Wright's comments were a stumbling block for Obama's campaign. In an impassioned speech about faith and race, the Democrat at first expressed support for Wright, saying that "I can no more disown him than I can my white grandmother."

Ironic, since he threw both Rev. Wright and his grandmother under the bus for political expedience. Note that nowhere in the woe-is-me article was it mentioned, by neither Wright or the writer, that Sen. McCain, foolishly in my opinion, took the preacher off the table as an issue to be discussed.

Thursday, November 06, 2008

This just in from the Department of Zo...

This just in from the Department of Education and Other Ironies...

(Via: Michelle Malkin)

This, boys and girls, is what folks like Bill Ayers have moved on to, and why, contrary to what the Obama campaign and the media, but I repeat myself, have told you, it actually was an important to bring up and examine during the election. Telling some little girl, after clearly showing disgust for her choice, that it meant her father would be in the military another hundred years. Sick. I certainly hope her teaching career came to a swift halt... but I doubt it.

This just in from the Department of Total Surprise...

Lieberman's Future Undecided After Meeting With Reid

Lieberman was elected as an independent in 2006 after losing a Democratic primary. He continued to caucus and vote with the Democrats, however, except for issues relating to the war in Iraq. On that front, he has been decidedly aligned with the GOP.

Color me shocked. Shocked that they're stabbing him in face this time... instead of the back.

This just in from the Department of Gratitude...

Unlike certain "unnamed staffers" (read: gutless punks) I strongly believe, strike that, I know that the only reason Sen. McCain's craptastic campaign got as far as it did was thanks to Gov. Palin, not in spite of her. Thank you Gov. Palin. Do not let these jackals get you down. We still need you and, most likely, will need you even more in the coming years.

UPDATE (Via Michelle Malkin):

Responding to a question on whether she has any “hurt feelings,” Palin laughs cheerfully. “This is politics! Of course not. It’s rough and tumble and you’ve got to have a thick skin just like I’ve got.”

Palin expresses “disappointment in the media — don’t take it personally.”

That's a hint President-elect Obama and Vice President-elect Biden... you bunch of thin skinned crybabies.

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

With a Thousand Lies...

In the final weeks of the 2008 election, the Offspring dropped their first album in about eight years. One of the cool tracks off the new disk is the surprisingly (in our current environment) pro-soldier tune "Hammerhead". The other one is a newer track that I just can't help but think of President-elect Obama every time I hear it.

Show me how to lie
You’re getting better all the time
And turning all against the one
Is an art that’s hard to teach
Another clever word
Sets off an unsuspecting herd
And as you get back into line
A mob jumps to their feet

Now dance, f**ker, dance
Man, he never had a chance
And no one even knew
It was really only you

And now you steal away
Take him out today
Nice work you did
You’re gonna go far, kid

With a thousand lies
And a good disguise
Hit ‘em right between the eyes
Hit ‘em right between the eyes
When you walk away
Nothing more to say
See the lightning in your eyes
See ‘em running for their lives

Slowly out of line
And drifting closer in your sights
So play it out I’m wide awake
It’s a scene about me
There’s something in your way
And now someone is gonna pay
And if you can’t get what you want
Well it’s all because of me

Now dance, f**ker, dance
Man, I never had a chance
And no one even knew
It was really only you

And now you’ll lead the way
Show the light of day
Nice work you did
You’re gonna go far, kid
Trust, deceived!

With a thousand lies
And a good disguise
Hit ‘em right between the eyes
Hit ‘em right between the eyes
When you walk away
Nothing more to say
See the lightning in your eyes
See ‘em running for their lives

Now dance, f**ker, dance
He never had a chance
And no one even knew
It was really only you

So dance, f**ker, dance
I never had a chance
It was really only you

With a thousand lies
And a good disguise
Hit ‘em right between the eyes
Hit ‘em right between the eyes
When you walk away
Nothing more to say
See the lightning in your eyes
See ‘em running for their lives

Clever alibis
Lord of the flies
Hit ‘em right between the eyes
Hit ‘em right between the eyes
When you walk away
Nothing more to say
See the lightning in your eyes
See ‘em running for their lives

I have no idea, or evidence to suggest, that this was intentional or not, but I can't help but see the striking similarities between the lyrics and Obama's campaign.

There's an old saying...

Of Dissent and Double-Standards...

First I was thinking "Booyah! Now that Obama's won, I'll be considered patriotic for my dissent instead of... well, my patriotism." Then I remembered Sarah Palin and the vicious treatment she endured that never would have been tolerated had she had a "D" after her name.

Which, when you think about it, is something I should have known since Clarence Thomas.

If you're a leftist and a woman or black or "a dissenter" or any other ones of the myriad of groups the left has divided us into, no one can say anything about your opinions because if they do, out comes the sexist/racist/how-dare-you-question-my-patriotism brickbats. But if you're not a leftist, it doesn't matter what you are, express your non-leftist opinions and out come the brickbats.

Of Asian Transsexuals and Other Musings...

The American people just elected their first black President. I'd say Hazzah! if, you know, people still said Hazzah! Well, that and if I thought, personally, it was a big deal. I don't. I'm a child of the 60s. In that I mean I was born in the late-60s. The struggle, the call, for equality has always been a part of my life. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and his speeches weren't new for me, they were a part of historic record. Things to think about and find the wisdom in them. Good news, it worked. As a result, I treat people; men or women, black or white, gay or straight, rich or poor, pug ugly or smoking hot... et cetera the same. I treat them like people. Which, as odd as it sounds, tends to totally mess with people's minds for some reason. It's funny how folks who don't want to be thought of as stereotypes get flummoxed when you don't act like a stereotype.

The long and short of it is that I want the person I feel is best suited for the job to have the job irrespective of their skin tone or their plumbing and would feel the same way if the news was the American people had just elected their first female Vice President. I'd vote for a one-legged Asian transsexual if I thought she he she could do the job. Personally, I don't believe that President-elect Obama is the right person for the job.

I hope I'm wrong, but I doubt it. I mean, the guy's been steeped in Marxism his entire life and without a "come to Jesus moment" akin to a Klansman seeing the light and going to work for the Southern Poverty Law Center to point to, I'm not buying the claims that he has, and will govern from, a centrist viewpoint. Not that I thought Sen. McCain was all that spiffy, because he's not. And with his loss, perhaps the Republicans will knock it off with the RINO progressive-lite stuff already. Who knows?

But if folks want to make a big deal out of this "historic event", go nuts baby. On that front I say, "Way to go America. Now go get a real job there Rev. Sharpton." Well, that and up yours Europe. Ya buncha racists.

This just in from the Department of Silver Linings...

On the bright side, we won't hear tinfoilhattian Democrats whining about stolen elections for the next few years.

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Looks like...

... all the voter fraud, the broken promises, the millions of dollars from questionable donors, the lopsided media, the white guilt, the black racism, and the general voter dumbassery has won the day. Congratulations America. You've traded the family cow to a slick-talking huckster for a handful of magic beans. I can only hope that the giant we encounter after planting them isn't too big.

Or hungry.

This just in from the "News" Desk...

Or the department of p*ssy journalism.

(Via: Gateway Pundit)

Whiskey Tango Foxtrot, over? Voter claims he had voted a couple times and you say that's okay? Are you kidding me? Look, I know you're CNN and I know that CNN is blatantly (not MSNBC blatant, but still) in the tank for Sen. Obama but sheesh. At least pretend to have a shred of integrity about the whole voter fraud thing.

Has anyone mentioned "Thugocracity"?

Well, on the upside, we now have an idea what the uniforms for The One's proposed "Civilian National Security Forces" will look like. So there's that.

This just in from the Ministry of Truth...

While people like Sen. Schumer may find the fact that talk radio is about the only sector of the media out there that the leftists don't control offensive, it's not even remotely the same thing as pornography. For one thing, the fake boobs are mostly in the mainstream media, not talk radio.

Monday, November 03, 2008

Of Speechwriters and Other Things not Covered...

URGENT: Speechwriter for Obama Quits, Voting McCain.

The final straw came the other week when Samuel Joseph Wurzelbacher (a.k.a Joe the Plumber) asked a question about higher taxes for small businesses. Instead of celebrating his aspirations, they were mocked.

This is something I've found exceedingly troubling about this election and quite honestly, I don't understand how anyone--of any party--who is intellectually honest can't be troubled by what has happened to "Joe the Plumber". How it is even remotely acceptable to have a citizen who merely asked a question of someone wishing to be elected into the highest office in the land (let alone any elected office) be run through the wringer is beyond me. It's not as if Mr. Wurzelbacher went to an Obama rally. It came to him. It's not as if he asked something outlandish like "Are you a Muslim?" or shout out something racist.

Heck, it's not even the question but Sen. Obama's reply that's done all the damage. Yet zealots took it upon themselves to dig up any dirt they could find to "kill the messenger" as it were... and the guy wasn't even a messenger for crap's sake. And to add insult to injury, Senators Obama and Biden, while simultaneously whining about Team McCain "going negative" by, you know, bringing up pesky things like the truth about Sen. Obama, proceeded to go negative on Mr. Wurzelbacher.

I'd say it was shameful if I thought either Senator was capable of feeling such a thing.

Sunday, November 02, 2008

Voter Disenfranchisement...

Ballots from U.S. troops risk being discarded

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- As absentee ballots pour in from U.S. troops overseas, officials are voicing concerns that many of those votes won't be counted.
An absentee ballot from Arlington County in Virginia shows the names of the general election candidates.

"It's dismal," said Rosemary Rodriguez, who works for the U.S. Elections Assistance Commission, a non-partisan group. "These are the voters that are in some cases preserving our liberties and out there with their lives on the line."

As a veteran, strike that, even if I wasn't a veteran I would find this offensive in the extreme. Every election the same thing happens. While the Democrats are hard at work making sure crackheads, convicts, and the dead aren't disenfranchised, they are equally just as hard at work making sure the votes of the men and women putting it on the line to ensure the rest of us enjoy our freedoms get tossed out. Why? Simple really. According to polls taken by the Army Times, the military vote is overwhelmingly in the McCain camp.

This just in from the Department of Education...

(Via: Sondra K)

Words to the wise.

Hopefully there are still a few of them out there.

The Tale of Two Faces...

(Via Gateway Pundit)

He should give all of his interviews in San Francisco. He's always more honest when he's among fellow travelers.