"The superior man, when resting in safety, does not forget that danger may come. When in a state of security he does not forget the possibility of ruin. When all is orderly, he does not forget that disorder may come. Thus his person is not endangered, and his States and all their clans are preserved." -- Confucius

Saturday, October 18, 2008

This just in from the Department of Dot Connecting...

Probe of Lehman collapse escalated: report

NEW YORK (Reuters) – Prosecutors have stepped up the investigation into the collapse of Lehman Brothers, with at least a dozen subpoenas being issued including one to the investment bank's chief executive, Richard Fuld, The New York Times reported on Saturday.

In a refreshing change of pace, Sen. Dodd doesn't top this list of contributions. I wonder how he let three other Senators get in front of him at the trough. At least Sen. Obama managed to retain his lock on the number two spot. Yeah... the change we need.


This just in from the Department of unDefense...

Only a fool would say these things publicly. Let alone someone running to be Commander-in-Chief. As much as the left would like to believe it, disarming in the face of those willing to do you harm is not only foolish, it's dangerous.

On a related note:
"Gun control? It's the best thing you can do for crooks and gangsters. I want you to have nothing. If I'm a bad guy, I'm always gonna have a gun. Safety locks? You pull the trigger with a lock on, and I'll pull the trigger. We'll see who wins." - Sammy "the Bull" Gravano (Howard Blum article, Vanity Fair September 1999)

The just in from the Department of Kentucky Fried Analogies...

More great points. This guy rocks. Pretty sweet moves too.

Soulmate Auditions

Pre-Audition Workshop set for Saturday, November 1, 2008 – Registration 9:00am, Start 10:00am
Ramada Inn, 76 Industrial Highway, Essington, PA
Fee: $20

Open Tryouts are set for Sunday November 23 2008 – Registration 8:30am, Start 9:00am
Airport Hilton, 4509 Island Ave, Philadelphia, PA
Fee: $25

In the AFL, as opposed to their "big brothers" in the NFL, most of the cheerleaders, or dance teams, have their own identities. So instead of being known simply as the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders, there are the Sidewinders of the Arizona Rattlers and the Saberkittens of the San Jose Sabercats (I saw almost the entire squad singing karaoke at the Cat's Meow down on Bourbon Street after AB XXII) and of course, the Soul's dance team are the Soulmates.

With the Soul winning Arena Bowl XXII, this year's auditions should bring in quite the crowd. Can't wait to see who makes next season's Soulmate dance team.

This just in from the Department of Convenient Happenstance...

Boston police investigate burglary at ACORN office

BOSTON -- Police are investigating a possible burglary at the Boston offices of the community activist group ACORN.

Chris Leonard, an official with the Boston branch of the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, tells the Boston Herald several computers were stolen from the group's Dorchester office either late Wednesday or early Thursday.

According to police, the alarm had been ripped from the wall, three computers had been stolen and wires had been damaged. The report says two downstairs offices also were ransacked, two vending machines were damaged and change stolen from them.

Leonard says he does not know if the break-in was politically motivated, but called the timing "suspicious."

The FBI is investigating whether ACORN helped foster voter registration fraud in several states before the presidential election. ACORN denies any fraud.

Of course ACORN denies any fraud. When was the last time anyone has admitted to anything? Gotta love how Chris Leonard is calling the timing suspicious. Why, if this was politically motivated, and I'm not saying it wasn't, just not in the way Leonard is trying to paint this, would Team McCain or McCain supporters destroy what could very well be evidence in a Federal investigation against ACORN, an organization overwhelmingly linked to Barrack the One and is doing everything they can think of, including voter fraud, to swing this election in his favor? That's like saying Woodward and Bernstein are the ones responsible for the famous "missing eighteen minutes".

If there is an investigation underway who is more likely to destroy evidence? The accuser or the accused?

Just sayin'.

This just in from the Department of Guilty Consciences...

Biden lashes out at Palin's 'pro-America' comment

(CNN) -- Democratic vice presidential candidate Joe Biden ripped into recent comments by his Republican counterpart that suggested that some places in the U.S. are more "pro-America" than others.

The truth hurts, eh Joe the Senator? The truth of the matter is there are parts of the country that are more pro-American than others. That's not to say everyone that isn't outwardly and openly pro-American is, by default, anti-American. But there are places, and people, in this country that are anti-American and you're fooling yourself if you believe otherwise.

Historians point out that during the American Revolution about a third of the people were for the Revolution, about a third were against it, and about a third just wanted to go about living their lives. The same can still be said. There are folks that are openly pro-American, there are folks who are openly anti-American, and there are folks that just want to go about living their lives.

Gov. Palin simply stated that she has a better time in places that are pro-American. How is this wrong or even surprising? The pro-American places are populated with about the only sector of the country that hasn't ripped her to shreds in such a truly appalling manner that would receive the proper amount of outrage from the media is she a "D" after her name instead of an "R".

But this gets me back to the outrage Democrats howl with over their patriotism being questioned while at the same time calling anyone to the right of them a racist at the drop of a hat.

This just in from the Department of Health...

Hawaii ending universal child health care

HONOLULU – Hawaii is dropping the only state universal child health care program in the country just seven months after it launched.

Gov. Linda Lingle's administration cited budget shortfalls and other available health care options for eliminating funding for the program. A state official said families were dropping private coverage so their children would be eligible for the subsidized plan.

"People who were already able to afford health care began to stop paying for it so they could get it for free," said Dr. Kenny Fink, the administrator for Med-QUEST at the Department of Human Services. "I don't believe that was the intent of the program."

Yeah, who would have seen that coming? That's the downfall of socialism you dimbulbs. If you're just going to get it for free, what's the incentive not to get it for free? And if no matter how hard you try, you're still going to get the same as someone not trying at all, why bother trying?

My question is... if it's "universal", doesn't that mean everybody? Socialized medicine only works when you don't have everyone in it I guess. Which would explain why so many Canadians come south of the border to get medical care.

It's an election, stupid.

Candidates' Social Security plans lack details

WASHINGTON – Barack Obama wants to raise taxes on high-income workers to ease Social Security's looming cash crunch. John McCain favors voluntary private accounts for younger workers, saying they can't count on the same government benefits as today's retirees.

Beyond those generalities — and a shared opposition to an increase in the retirement age — the two presidential rivals are long on commitment and short on specifics when it comes to the government's huge retirement income program.

No fecal matter, fictional Victorian-era detective. They're both trying to win the election. They're not about to come out and be honest with people. The last thing either candidate wants to do is point out that Social Security is a trainwreck that was never designed around this few workers supporting this many retirees.

This just in from the Department of Sanitation...

San Francisco Votes To Give Dubya Dubious Honor

SAN FRANCISCO (CBS) ― President Bush still has three more months on the job, but there is already talk of an important building in San Francisco bearing his name.

Construction on the George W. Bush Presidential Library at Southern Methodist University in Dallas, Texas, will begin next year, but if Proposition R is passed on Nov. 4, that won't be the only the landmark named in honor of our embattled president.

San Francisco's Oceanside Water Pollution Control Plant may soon become the George W. Bush Sewage Plant.

Think it's silly? The measure's organizer, Brian McConnell, who came up with the idea over drinks, seems to agree.

"Most people think it's a really silly idea anyway, and then the Bush haters don't want anything named after him," McConnell told the San Francisco Chronicle.

So far, not a dime has been raised in support or opposition of the proposition, but members of the local Republican Party are working to defeat the measure, and 12,000 people signed a petition to secure its spot on the ballot.

The irony is that while the Bushwhackers think they're being clever with their agonizingly obvious "Proposition R", it actually sums up the man's presidency rather well.

"George W. Bush - Dealing With The Sh*t You Don't Want To"

Friday, October 17, 2008

No, I'm Spartacus!

Joe the Senator and Barack the One keep going on and on about the middle class. Yet every time someone from the middle class gets uppity, out come the long knives. We're citizens. We have the right to ask questions of our elected officials and those who wish to be. Exercising this right should not result in us, any of us, getting run through the chipper-shredder by those officials or their supporters.

Voodoo Folds Again.

VooDoo Terminates Operations

Times-Picayune - The New Orleans VooDoo's four-season run ended Monday when owner Tom Benson informed the Arena Football League of his plans to terminate operations of the franchise, Saints vice president of communications Greg Bensel said.

It is uncertain exactly why Benson, who also owns the Saints, decided to fold his AFL team, which has been the host for the past two ArenaBowls.

This pretty much took everyone by surprise. Free Agency was just about to kick off. Now there's a Dispersal Draft too. The Voodoo came into the league at the same time the Soul did, spoiling the Soul's inaugural game. Which gave us a bit of a love/hate thing. After Hurricane Katrina, they understandably sat out the '06 season. They returned in '07 and NOLA played host to Arena Bowl XXI, making the AFL was the first pro sports league to host a championship game there post-Katrina. NOLA again played host to the Arena Bowl this year and this is where I come in.

I'd never been to NOLA before. Me and vacations don't usually work out. But as a Soul season ticket holder since day one and as a lifelong Cardinals fan (no, not the baseball team) who has more or less accepted the fact that they will most likely continue their perfect record of not going to the Super Bowl, I was definitely going to the Arena Bowl if the Soul made it. Which they did, for the first time in their five year history.

The city did a great job (surprisingly great, seeing how generally crappy the rest of the sports world is towards the AFL) of playing host to the AFL fans that came to town. Including the close to seven thousand Soul fans. I had a blast. Let's just say, NOLA, especially Bourbon Street, is decidedly... receptive shall we say, to a guy in a kilt. I can't wait to get back down there when it's a bit cooler.

The fans were very supportive of the Voodoo. Posting consistently high attendance numbers. It's a shame they had the team yanked out from under them like this. Hopefully they can find another owner and return to the league.

McCain Defends Joe the Citizen's Right...

... to ask candidates and elected officials tough questions. We all should be able to do just that without being crushed by those officials or candidates or their supporters. It's offensive in the extreme and unfortunately far too common an occurrence. Especially with the Left and most definitely when it comes to Sen. Obama.

This just in from the Department of Heretic Stoning...

Joe the Senator, and the "late night" water-carriers, continue to rip Joe the Plumber for daring to expose The One. Yet it's Team McCain that's "going negative".

Once again, it doesn't matter who or what Joe the Plumber is. The important thing is who or what Sen. Obama is.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Mac @ Alfred E. Smith

Oh. My. Gods. That was not only magnanimous and self-deprecating it was hysterical (there should have been a warning to close your windows so your neighbors won't think you're completely unhinged before this puppy aired) and absolutely skewering in its commentary. Sen. Obama, former Pres. Clinton, Sen. Clinton, the media, ACORN, Chris Mathews and Keith Obamermann, all got the soup kicked out of them... finally. Team McCain should stop whatever ads they're running and just loop this Alfred E. Smith appearance.

Sen. Obama's part... not so good. Here's a hint there The One... when trying to play down the messiah thing your devotees are convinced of, it's probably a good idea to not say that you're actually from Krypton. What with Superman being is an obvious Christ figure and all.

Just saying'.

Hopefully it'll be up on Youtube soon.

UPDATE: The always great Tammy Bruce comes through with the video:

Putting the "Un" back in "Undecided Voter"

All six of CNN's "undecided voters" were Democratic operatives

In a nutshell, CNN's six "undecided voters" were:

A Democratic Party bigwig
An antiwar activist
A Union official
An Islamic leader
A Harry Reid staffer
A radical Chicano separatist

Oh snap!

The One's New Clothes...

Did Barack "Spread the Wealth" Obama Just Blow the Election?

No. Really. You're kidding me. Barack Obama actually told that Joe the Plumber guy that he wants to "spread the wealth around." What, did Obama just get done reading the Wikipedia entry on Huey "Share the Wealth" Long or something? Was he somehow channeling that left-wing populist from the Depression? Talk about playing into the most extreme stereotype of your party, that it is infested with socialists.

I'd really like the think so, but I'm not holding my breath. I'm not as likely, as the writer, to think Sen. Obama to be "firmly within the mainstream of Democratic politics". But then again, seeing as how far the Democratic party has shifted to the left, I guess it's a matter of perspective. Me, I'm thankful for such moments of clarity brought on, I argue, by the overwhelming amount of slack Sen. Obama has been cut for so long.

Gallup Daily 10/16

Today's Gallup Daily Poll of "Likely Voters" (Traditional) has Sen. Obama at 49% and Sen. McCain at 47%, which is within the margin of error. As I've said, I don't put a lot of stock in polls, but this is very interesting.

I'm not a Phillies fan...

I am a bigtime Soul fan, but just never got into baseball enough to care all that much about the Phillies. I am glad they made the World Series and hope they win. I also hope this pisses off a lot of baseball fans, as it should. Even if the Series doesn't go to game six. I watch sports to watch sports. To get away from the 24/7 election cycle that has become American life. I don't want to hear Keith Obamermann injecting his political point of view during SNF Halftime and I don't want some politician (who couldn't afford to do this in the first place if he'd taken public financing... as he said he would) preempting what could very well be the Series finale.

Leave off the last "S" for Socialism!

What is a three-letter word for Loser? It's pronounced "dew-moss". He wants to talk about a deafening silence he should talk about the media's handling of his gaffe-happy self. If Gov. Palin or Sen. McCain had said this, it would be all over the place. But because it has tripped out of the mouth of The One's running mate he receives the benefits of The Pass.

Those who question The One must be punished!

In predictable fashion, the Obama campaign's press secretary (aka the "mainstream" media) is rushing to protect The One from any and all threats. Joe doesn't have a license! (Why do I have that "he doesn't even have his license, Lisa" line from Weird Science in my head?) Who's he going to vote for!? He's voting for McCain! A plant! A plant! He owes back taxes! And the list goes on. It would be funny if it wasn't so sad.

The way I see it, who Joe the Plumber is isn't the important thing. The important thing is who Sen. Obama, the guy who's actually running for President, is.

A Tale of Two Joes...

Aw, Joe the Senator is just jealous that Joe the Plumber looks better bald. Not to mention is mature enough to accept his hairline instead of getting doll hair. The funniest part of all this, aside from The One finally being exposed by another "commoner", is that at the same time that Team Obama is whining about negativity coming from the McCain camp directed at Sen. Obama, Joe the Senator, the one-man gaffe machine, is going negative. And this negativity is not even directed at Sen. McCain, but directed at a private citizen.

Nice one.

"Kill Him!" or not...

Secret Service says "Kill him" allegation unfounded

SCRANTON – The agent in charge of the Secret Service field office in Scranton said allegations that someone yelled “kill him” when presidential hopeful Barack Obama’s name was mentioned during Tuesday’s Sarah Palin rally are unfounded.

Someone might want to point this out to the AP, ABC, and Keith Obamermann et al so they can stop perpetuating a lie and make good their retractions.

Yeah... I'm not exactly holding my breath.

Now if they can get as exercised over the crap that's been slung Gov. Palin's way.

Yeah... not holding my breath over that one either.

Robin Hood and Joe the Plumber...

The now famous "Joe the Plumber", whose off-the-cuff questioning of Sen. Obama exposed the redistribution of wealth... I mean "spread the wealth around" plans of the Democrats was mentioned more times in last night's debate than... well... pie. Watching the agonizing Bob Beckell on FoxNews two things came up. First off, his justification is that we've always had a progressive income tax ever since we had an income tax. That's right Bob. And it's always been couched in this socialist "fairness" mindset. The very same mindset that brought us Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and the current economic donkey-punching they caused.

Just because we've "always" had something doesn't make it right. I believe having "In God we Trust" ("always" meaning since the 1850s) on the money is wrong. I believe the addition of "... under God" to the National Anthem ("always" meaning since the 1950s) was wrong. And I believe the "soak the rich/fairness" income tax policy is wrong. And, by way of full disclosure, I'm not rich so it doesn't directly (the key word being directly) effect me. But it does affect me, it effects everyone, and that's the bloody point.

The second bit was the mentioning of a "Robin Hood" philosophy. Every time I hear this it makes my head hurt. Robin Hood, contrary to the old saying, did not rob from the rich and give to the poor. He robbed from the tax collector and gave it back to the people. Robin Hood wasn't a Socialist. He was a Libertarian.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

This just in from the Department of Redundancy Department...

Stars diss Bush and McCain at the premiere of 'W.'

How exactly is this news and/or surprising?

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

SeeBS says...

CBSNYT Poll: Obama Opens 14-Point Lead On McCainThe Obama-Biden ticket now leads the McCain-Palin ticket 53 percent to 39 percent among likely voters, a 14-point margin. One week ago, prior to the Town Hall debate that uncommitted voters saw as a win for Obama, that margin was just three points.

This from the CBSNYTimes poll, so you know it's completely unbiased. :eyeroll: Meanwhile Zogby has The One up by 6 points and Rasmussen has Him up by 5 points. I don't put much stock in polls. Aside from weighted the sampling to get a desired outcome (not that I'm saying CBS or the NY Times would evvvvvver do that with their reporting, for example), there is also the "who the heck has time to sit through these polls?" thing. Then there's race.

The race card has been played fast and hard in this election. Hell, when you can convince folks that Bill Clinton, of all people, is a racist, it's easy peasy to convince people that Republicans are. You've already got the conditioning to rely on there. People don't want to be called or thought of as being racist. Especially when they're not. That doesn't matter in this election however. If you disagree with or question Sen. Obama, his policies, his associations et cetera, you are labeled racist. (Which is going to make things very interesting should, heaven forbid, Sen. Obama get into the White House, but that's a rant for another day.) How many being in these polls are allowing this fear to color their responses? How many, so as not to be thought of as a racist, are saying they support Sen. Obama?

Then there's this: Should Sen. Obama, in spite of 95% of the "mainstream" media being totally, completely, certifiably in the tank for him and in spite of the rampant voter fraud his minions at ACORN and elsewhere and in spite of Sen. McCain refusing to hold his Commie feet to the fire, lose the election, people are going to look at these polls, take them for fact, and go gonzo apeshite.


Just got in my latest Utilikilt and couldn't be happier. It's my first Workman and boy is it stout. Utilikilts Brand Utility Kilts are, as the name implies, kilts but with a more utilitarian aspect to them. A thoroughly American reinterpretation of the traditional kilt created by Steven Villegas out there in Seattle a number of years ago. They're made in America, by Americans, for... well, any guy who wants to live free. So to speak. You don't have to have Scottish or Irish blood. Heck, the guy who came up with them is of Mexican and Swedish, not Scottish, decent. White or black, gay or straight, liberal or conservative... it doesn't matter. Heck, I remember reading an article about a black Marine stationed, I believe, in Afghanistan, who custom ordered one in the new digital camo pattern. The ladies can wear them too, but they'd be crossdressing.

What's really nice, besides the obvious (functionality, comfort, reaction) is that, unlike pants, they're made to your actual waist size, which, more often than not, is not your pants size. Really nice for a guy like my who has a "35" waist in a world where you have the choice between a 34, which is too tight, and a 36, which is too loose. My actual waist is 37" and since Utilikilts go by waist size, not pant size, I can get one that actually fits. Not too tight and not too loose.

They're sort of a cross between cargo shorts and a kilt, without all the dry cleaning or itchy wool but festooned with functionality. A few are more functional than the Workman model that adds 'toolbelt' to the cargo shorts/kilt mix and instead of the lighterweight cotton, this sucker's made out of the same material Carhartt uses. Like I said, stout.

A little over a year ago, Up until now I've only had the Original model, three of them. A black one I wear mostly, but not exclusively, to Soul football games as well as a khaki and an olive drab one. They're great, but I wanted one I could use a bit more around the house and in my shop.

The image “http://img133.imageshack.us/img133/1867/frontxa7.jpg” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

My Workman is of the chocolate variety. The thing I was curious about is that it has quite a few extra snaps. Typically, there are ten snaps that hold the kilt closed and about five more to deal with the pocket flaps. More on some models, fewer on others. This thing's got a slew of snaps. Some are for the additional pockets used for carrying tools. But the ones running laterally along the right side had me scratching my head. Until now...

The image “http://img133.imageshack.us/img133/4209/adjustlb4.jpg” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

Inside, you see the free end of the strap on the righthand side of the kilt. This strap is adjustable to use as a hammer hanger...

The image “http://img133.imageshack.us/img133/4209/adjustlb4.jpg” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

Or if run out to the loosest pair of snaps, you can use it to hang a cordless drill.

The image “http://img362.imageshack.us/img362/9352/drillcn7.jpg” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

Now, they're not for everyone, and that's totally cool. They're also not to only "neokilt" maker out there. I like their quality, the company's business ethic, and general attitude. A word of caution however, if you don't like strangers coming up to you, asking you questions, don't wear one out in public.

This just in from the Department of Health...

Ohio executes man who argued he was too fat to die

LUCASVILLE, Ohio - Ohio executed a 5-foot-7, 267-pound double murderer Tuesday who argued his obesity made death by lethal injection inhumane.

Set aside the arguments for or against the death penalty. Set aside how long it takes for justice to move in this country. Set aside that he and his accomplish sexually assaulted and murdered two people. The real question is... how in the hell are people becoming obese in prison?

More from the Department of Implausible Deniability...

Pelosi Statement on Congressman Tim Mahoney"I just learned today about the serious allegations concerning Congressman Tim Mahoney. These charges must be immediately and thoroughly investigated by the House Ethics Committee."

Uh huh, sure you did, Nancy. The irony in all this is that it's almost an exact replay of 2006. Same congressional seat, same type of scandal (that being sexual in nature), roughly the same time before an election, same coverups by the party leadership. Oh wait, you haven't heard that Rohm Emmanuel knew about the affair and was trying to keep it under wraps? Gee, there's a surprise. The big difference in this whole mess, and where the most irony in involved, is that the media is decidedly quiet about this scandal. Odd, seeing as they made such hay out of the Mark Foley scandal. But then again, Rep. Mahoney has a "D" after his name while Foley had an "R" after his.


Monday, October 13, 2008

Irony - It's not just for breakfast anymore...

Report: Fla. congressman paid $121K to former staffer after affair

ABC News says Rep. Tim Mahoney, D-Fla., had an affair with one of his aides and then agreed to a $121,000 settlement when she threatened to file a sexual harassment lawsuit.

"Who the hell is Rep. Tim Mahoney?" you ask. Oh, the guy who replaced Rep. Mark Foley. Must be a part of the bennies of Florida's 16th District.

This just in from the Department of Tolerance...

NYC "liberals" exhibit their "openmindedness". Well, that and a conditioned response that would make Pavlov drool.

A rose by any other name...

Is still called Marxism.

"Spreading the wealth around" = The Redistribution of Wealth.

Wake up folks.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

This just in from the Department of Education and Other Ironies...

Vandals strike York County GOP headquarters

Vandals spray-painted the words “Republican means slavery” on the door of the York County GOP campaign headquarters overnight Friday.

Your public education tax dollars at work. Or maybe a bit of "if you repeat a lie often enough, it becomes accepted as the truth". If schools focused more on teaching history instead of worrying so much about self-esteem these dimbulbs would have known that it was the first Republican President Abraham Lincoln that freed the slaves. It was the Republicans in Congress that LBJ needed to get his Civil Rights legislation passed. It was Republican President who pushed for legislation that enforced Brown v. Education and effectively ended the segregation in the military (that a Democrat President gets most of the credit for). It was a Republican President that set the first time tables and goals of affirmative action. And that it was Republicans that founded historically black colleges and universities and the NAACP (which is ironic as the organization has become so partisan for the DNC that its nickname NAACCP, or the 'National Association for the Advancement of Certain Colored People', isn't all that off).

Of course, if they taught that in school, they'd also be forced to teach that it was Democrats that fought Civil Rights legislation, that came up with Jim Crow laws, that fought segregation, that founded the KKK et cetera. Which would, of course, blow their perpetuated lie all to hell, thereby undermining the indoctrination center they've turned our school system into.

Can't have that, now can we?