"The superior man, when resting in safety, does not forget that danger may come. When in a state of security he does not forget the possibility of ruin. When all is orderly, he does not forget that disorder may come. Thus his person is not endangered, and his States and all their clans are preserved." -- Confucius

Wednesday, November 10, 2004

In, yet another, blatant display of racism...

Bush Picks Gonzales to Succeed Ashcroft

(AP) -- WASHINGTON - President Bush named White House counsel Alberto Gonzales as attorney general on Wednesday, picking the administration's most prominent Hispanic for a highly visible post in the war on terror.

Oh wait. President Bush is only a racist, sexist, homophobe in the fevered minds of the Bushwackers and not, as it turns out, in reality.

My bad.

Monday, November 08, 2004

This just in from the If it Ain't Fixed Break it Department...

Dean Ponders Bid to Become DNC Chairman

(AP) -- MONTPELIER, Vt. - Former presidential candidate Howard Dean is considering a bid to become chairman of the national Democratic Party.

Told ya. The Democrats just don't get it. They think they lost the election because they weren't angry enough, weren't left-wing enough, and if this article is any example, weren't afflicted with the polictical version of Tourette Syndrome enough.

I'm not sure whether I should laugh or feel sorry for them.

This just in from the Department of Emigration...

Micheal Moore, and the rest of the leftists in this country aren't taking the results of last week's election well. Not that that's a big surprise. Another non-surprise is that they just don't understand why they lost and who it was that oppossed them. Case in point, the following picture in on the frontpage or Micheal Moore's official website...

This little jem from the fevered mind of Mr. Moore encapsulates a two-for-one 'flaw in the theory'.

First, the redrawing of the map refers to the idea of Moore, and several of the other leftist talking heads, of having the "blue states" secede from the Union. The problem with that idea is, using the county-by-county map there are only three States that can be considered all blue. Massachusetts, Connecticut and Rhode Island. And they're so damn tiny, I can't make out clearly if they are, in fact, all blue. Vermont, Maine and New Hampshire are mostly blue. But most of Pennsylvania, New York, California, Oregon and Washington are are red, not blue.

Kinda hard for a State to secede along red-blue ideological lines if most of the State is made up of "reds". I'd still like to know how the color-codes changed. I guess the Democrats got tired of being exposed as Communists.

Anyhoo... onto the second problem with Mr. Moore's theory. Jesusland. Contrary to what Mr. Moore and those like him think, President Bush had more supporters than Evagelical Christians. I for one, am not an Evagelical Christian. Heck, I'm not even a Christian. I studied Wicca for, hmm, about a dozen years before becoming more of a non-religious spiritually oriented type of person. Granted, one of the problems I had had with then candidate Bush was the dustup over Wiccan soldiers being able to excerise their First Amendment rights. But I haven't seen anything to back up a fear of religious bigotry being inspired by President Bush's policies. Besides, thanks to the Second Amendment, I have the ablity to ruin the day of anyone trying to use me for kindling.

So on both counts, and heck, pretty much everything else for that matter, Micheal Moore is flatout wrong. He's once again playing fast-n-loose with facts trying to 'prove' a preconceived conclusion.

Well, at least he's consistant.

Sunday, November 07, 2004

You know, I wasn't planning on joining in on Gloatfest 2004 but...

...screw it.

One of the great things about XM radio... okay aside from being able to drive as much as I do and not have to worry about finding a decent station to listen to and then finding another once I outdistance the first one's coverage area. And aside from being able to listen to all sorts of music, and news, and traffic-and-weather and whatnot...

One of the great things about XM radio, especially following the surprisingly trouble-free... er... trouble-few general election is the ability to listen to the left-wing talk shows. Even if you held a gun to head, I couldn't tell you what AM stations "Air America" is on.

You know. All three of them.

But with XM, I just flick on America Left and listen to the mourning, the bitching, the shock the leftists are finding themselves in this past week. Do they realize that their candidate wasn't a weak one with a poorly run campaign? Nope.

Do they realize that, by and large, they weren't able to fool the American people into believing Senator Kerry was something other than what he was? Nope.

Do they realize Americans, by and large, have rejected their far-left ideology? Nope.

Do they realize they need to move their far-left views into what is actually the mainstream instead of trying to fool us into believing their views are the mainstream? Nope. They think they're not being leftist enough. They're not being vitriolic enough, angry enough.

One of the bits of information that I loved from the 2000 election was the county-by-county map published by USAToday. First off, the USAToday cannot be accused of being a right-wing rag by any stretch of the imagination. But secondly, the state-by-state map the media insisted on waving around didn't give a true picture of how America voted and where. Gore won the cities, for the most part, and then candidate Bush won everywhere else.

This year's USAToday map is even more red than the 2000 map.



Don't let the media or the rest of the leftists tell you that America is closely divided. That's bullshit. Don't let the media or the rest of the leftists tell you that President Bush doesn't have a mandate. That's bullshit too. And when they get up there and make speaches about how it's up the the President to reach across the aisle and work with them, tell them to kindly piss up a rope. And then recall that during his first four years the President was trying to do just that and meeting nothing but petty obstructionism and bitter partisanship, kick them in the shin.

I know this is going to sound harsh but...

...this is just f'n stupid.

Ground Zero Suicide Inspired by Election

(AP) -- NEW YORK - A 25-year-old man from Georgia who was apparently distraught over President Bush (news - web sites)'s re-election shot and killed himself at ground zero. Andrew Veal's body was found Saturday morning inside the off-limits site, said Steve Coleman, a spokesman for the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey. A shotgun was found nearby, but no suicide note was found, Coleman said.

It's stupid on many levels, not the least of which being not only was the creation of "Ground Zero" not President Bush's fault in the first place, but thru his actions there hasn't been a second "Ground Zero" created during his first term in office.

Moron. I should be happy though. He took himself out of the gene pool. Perhaps his "protest" can serve as an example to others. To follow...

This just in from the Department of Those Who Do Not Learn from History...

Bush Vows to Reach Out to Democrats

(AP) -- WASHINGTON - President Bush (news - web sites) is striking twin themes for a second term, vowing to fight hard for his political agenda while reaching across the aisle to Democrats.

Come on now Mr. President, didn't the last four years of petty, kneejerk, obstructionist bullshit teach you anything? These schmucks aren't going to like you, they aren't going to work with you, so stop trying to reach out to them in hopes that they will.

My only hope is the American people understand that the President is at least making the effort to reach across party lines and it's the Democrats that are being unreasonable. I for one would like to see the Dems lose even more seats in 2006. Three elections in a row's gotta be a record.