This just in from the Department of Oh, For Crying Out Loud...
Gah! I was hoping (against hope) that this would be a clean decision. Stayed up til midnight and things seemed to be progressing well. Woke up at 5am and couldn't resist flicking on the tv. 269, cripes.
It seems Ohio's is positioning itself to be this election's Florida. 136,221 difference in Ohio, so Senator Kerry is pinning his hopes on it. But with a 121,818 difference in PA, and all the silliness that was going on in PA, especially in Philly, I'm not sure if getting into a pissing contest would serve the Senator well. Then again, President Bush, and Republicans in general, seem to go out of their way to be statesmenlike and let the Democrats rant and rave and carry on.
I say, screw that. If Senator Kerry's team goes into Ohio (hmm, including the counties that had fictional characters and dead people registered and the ones with more registered voters than people eligible to vote) President Bush's team should go into PA.
Speaking of PA, I wonder how many of the machines in Philly came pre-loaded with votes. I'd like to think they weren't able to rack up an extra couple 100k, but who knows. Hopefully it wasn't as widespread. For one, it's depressingly blatant. For two, it'd be next to impossile to prove out. At least as far as catching all the bogus votes goes.
Luckily folks were able to browbeat Governor Rendell into not disenfranchising the military vote, like he was trying his damndest to do. I wonder if I managed to get the incarcerated voters to vote.